Monday, September 5, 2022

Never On Sunday



It's just after 9:00 as I start this, having paddled for a good hour and twenty minutes on a practically empty lake, no fishermen, a seadoo or two, just my neighbors, Tina and Jim in their kayaks, John in his canoe. I stopped to talk with both as we exchanged pleasantries for at least 10 minutes, observing how nice it was to be out on a morning like this with so little traffic.

Kayak Morning

Great Blue Heron

Heron Among The Geese


Yesterday was a day from hell as I will explain. It started out as usual with my kayaking, breakfast, and a blog. But by 9:00 we were on our way to Cleveland, to Costco, so both us would get a hearing test. Like most of our age, we have started having trouble hearing, so we thought we should get our hearing checked. Hell began when we could hardly find a place to park which should have been a warning. Costco was overrun with Sunday shoppers, so much so that we could hardly make it down an aisle. It was like shopping in a small city. The only good thing was the gal who gave us our hearing tests was great, friendly, helpful, and honest and by the time we left, she knew all about us and our lives. She recommended that Evie wait on getting one, that she might benefit but should wait on it. I, however, seem to be fine. Evie usually loves Costco but not yesterday, as neither of us felt much like shopping although, like the rest, left the building with an overloaded cart. You have to spend money to save money, right?  It was gross actually, watching all of us, buy, buy buy, and on a Labor Day Sunday weekend.  I regret to say that we also drove to Trader Joe's, equally crowded, and spent a good half hour filling up a cart with wine, cheeses, granola, nuts, etc., all things we could get here but cheaper at Trader Joe's. I won't announce how much we spent yesterday because it would be embarrassing.

We didn't get home until 3:30, expecting it to have rained the entire time we were gone but there was hardly any dampness in our rain gauge. The same this morning although it was supposed to have rained all night. So much for the weatherman.  It took a while to unload our car and we still have boxes of stuff to put away because we had had it with 'stuff.' We ended up just relaxing on our front porch, enjoying the quiet and leisure of a gray afternoon on the lake. 

Neither of us had the mojo to fuss with dinner after all the shopping so Evie heated up the leftover eggplant, added tomato sauce and put it over pasta noodles, and made a salad and that was it for dinner. We struggled to find something to watch, and ended up watching an Israeli series called Hit and Run but we soon realized we had watched at least two or three episodes months ago. We stuck with it because we had nothing else in mind. We went to bed to the sounds of a rock band playing at the Village Casino.


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