Thursday, September 1, 2022

Another Bright, Sunny Morning





It's just after 9:15 and I have just returned from breakfast in Bemus. I also was able to get in a half hour of kayaking before heading to Bemus on a surprisingly windy paddle. 

Kayak Morning

Dahlia In Hot Pink

Yesterday was a different morning after the usual routine of kayaking, blogging and breakfast. We had bought a sectional couch a couple of weeks ago from a family on the grounds of the Chautauqua Institution but had not picked it up yet, depending on getting someone to pick it up. Well, yesterday morning, our good buddy Austin and a friend he's known since kindergarten came over around 10:00 and first, moved our couches out of the TV room into our living room for now. We may sell them or give them to Helping Hands. We then drove over to the CI and the guys struggled to get the sectional down from a second-floor apartment but managed after some twists and turns. They then brought it into our TV room through the front door and fortunately, it just fit with hardly an inch or two to spare. Our next-door, neighbor, Medio, helped set up our TV on the way opposite the couch and was a big help. 

Jerusalem Artichoke Hedge

By 12:30, the room was vacuumed, a kalim was placed over our carpet and I was happy to have lunch, tomato and mayo bagel, sitting on our newly acquired couch, watching the same old show.  The rest of the afternoon we did little, other than organizing the TV room and relax. Neither of us did much in the yard although I did some organizing in my garage, setting aside much of the junk that's been sitting there and needs to be tossed.

Barb And Jim

By 5:30, we were showered and on our way to dinner with our neighbors Barb and Jim at the outdoor porch of the Labyrinth Press, the best vegetarian restaurant around. Evie ordered Korean fries and I had something called Bim Bop. We then went to our local theater, the Reg Lenna for a very crowded showing of the film Elvis. It's nice to see how well the old theater is supported by locals. We liked the film, especially the guy who played Elvis and for once, Tom Hanks played a bad guy, Elvis's shady  Colonel Tom Parker. 

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