Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Sun Rising On A Close Morning






I have been sitting on the front porch since 6:00, watching the pink, then red sky turn blue when the sun rose, an orange globe hanging over Bemus Bay. It's 68º and today will be another warm August day, highs in the mid-80s. Let's hope for a breeze since my sister Linda and brother-in-law Rich will arrive by lunch and spend the night.  I also have been listening to a Bill Simmons podcast and he spent a good amount of time talking about why the Browns or Bills could win the Super Bowl. What surprise. It's 9:30 as I finish this and did get in a forty five minute paddle before the guys from Serve Pro arrived.

Kayak Morning

Yesterday morning was a disaster with the flood from our refrigerator.  Fortunately, the plumber arrived by 8:15 and fixed the problem although now we have to deal with whether the wood floor has been damaged as well as a section of our living room carpet which is still wet.  We called Servepro and they will be coming by this morning to access the damage and help dry things out.  Let's hope insurance will cover their fee. Once I sopped up the water and the plumber had been called, I went kayaking, had breakfast, and left for yoga with Evie's blessings. She was going to be busy with prepping our dinner for tonight so she had no need of my hanging around.  

So after yoga, I hit Wegman's one more time to pick up a few things and forgot a couple because my Wegman's list on my phone suddenly disappeared.  Luckily our neighbor was going to the store so she picked up what I forgot.  When I got home, I got a couple of things done I was dreading, fixing a broken board on our dock, which I did before lunch, then gassing up the boat and finishing the edging weeding of the brick walk after my nap. Lunch was leftover chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy from Sunday night's dinner, Evie finished her prepping in the morning, then worked in the yard and garden taking frequent breaks.

Balloon Over Lake In The Afternoon

We both had zoom calls at 5:00, Evie with her sisters, me with a Schwab advisor.  I guess I now quality for having an advisor. We planned an easy dinner because of the calls, so Evie pulled some chili out of the freezer earlier, heated it up, boiled some noodles and we had Cincinnati chili for dinner, along with a salad and fresh corn on the cob. We watched Bill Maher, always entertaining, our only political fix of the week, the two more episodes of Atlantic Crossing and neither of us was too taken with it as it became a bit silly, with FDR's drives through the countryside and its hard to sympathize with the plight of Norway's royalty when you think of what Hitler was doing to Jewish families, young and old. 

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