Saturday, October 3, 2020

Extraordinary Times



Yep, it's 8:30, and I was out for a 50-minute paddle on a chilly, 43º morning, the sun shining, then hiding behind the clouds.  It's shocking to see how dark it is when I wake, how soon it gets dark during wine time.  

Kayak Morning

Morning On Chautauqua Lake

Yesterday started out with drizzle, ended up with a chilly but blue sky afternoon.  We lose track of the days especially recently since one day seems just like the last.  I actually had to look at a calendar to see it was Friday and Evie thought it was Thursday until I straightened her out during cocktail time.  We wanted to go for a walk so we drove over to Bemus, hoping to walk Lakeside Drive.  Unfortunately, the wind was so heavy that we had to turn around and walk around the village, safely out of the wind.  We were only out for a half-hour as a result but at least we did get in some exercise.

Noon Sky From Bridge

Lunch was some bolognese sauce Evie found in the freezer.  I boiled some Fettucine, heated the sauce in the microwave, and had a tasty Italian pasta lunch.  I watched more of Babylon Berlin but had to look up on Wikipedia to make sure I knew what was going on because it becomes complicated as it's set in Weimar Germany, just before the rise of Hitler and his brown shirts or bully boys.  I had a delicious nap in a cool house while  Evie prepped dinner early in the afternoon as is her m.o.   

Bemus, Late Afternoon

Around 5:00 we decided to have a Manhattan because of these extraordinary times, a President impeached, a world infected with a dangerous virus, the death of RBG,  a Presiden's tax returns published, an embarrassing Presidential debate, and now, a President tests positive for Covid19, 32 days before the election.  One wonders what historians will say about 2020.  After our cocktails and appetizers, dinner was a breeze, heat up the chicken, mushrooms, and artichokes, put a dressing on the salad, and dinner was ready.  We watched a Colbert, the breaking news that Trump was being transferred to Walter Reed, then an episode of Borgen before going up to bed.

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