7:30 |
7:54 |
8:02 |
9:13 |
It's 7:45 as I start this blog and I have been up for an hour, watching the sky change from black to Chautauqua gray, sky and lake, with a slash of pink off to the south Fortunately, the rain has abated, the winds died and I cannot wait to get out on the lake for a paddle. I was out for forty five minutes, paddling down to Bootey Bay and back.
Kayak Morning |
A Pair Of Great Blues
It was strange to be back at our home after a week of the good life at the beach. We still have autumn colors although they are starting to fade. It felt normal to be back out on the lake in the morning although I was alone, the only boat. I did, however, hear a gunshot off in the distance, so duck hunters were up and out although I could not find them. My morning quickly reverted to form, up early, coffee, listening to Morning Joe, then kayaking, writing the blog, having Evie choose photos, then breakfast. Once all that was finished, I did not know what else to do, typical for the first day home after a trip.

Finally, I decided to get organized, to unpack my clothes, do up the dishes, get a few things done to feel useful. Evie, as well, followed suit although she had a hankering for a good beef stew so the house was filled with the smell of sauteed veggies. I finished my Maggie O'Farrell novel, really liked it and downloaded another book I have been wanting to read, The Gift of Rain. I had read the author, Eng Tan Twan's latest novel, The Garden of Evening Mists, and loved it. Both are set in Malaysia before, during, and after WW II. I need a good book to read, something I can turn to any time of the day if I feel like it.

Lunch was a spinach and fried eggs, with toast, a nice change and I am back to my series, Babylon Berlin, the third season, Things are not going well for Gereon, not surprising as it's the beginning of the rise of Nazi Germany. I then started my new book, fell asleep for an hour, woke up feeling groggy, not wanting to do much except stay on the couch, and read. Evie had finished the stew and was continuing to explore all the new apps on her phone. She loves it. Around 4:00, I was so bored that I decided to vote. I drove to Mayville, wondering if there would be a line. There was, one person. I voted and was back in my car, heading to Tops Grocery within five minutes. I picked up a few staples and was home by wine time, at 5:30.
It was nice to sit in our living room once again, looking out at the lake, the changing sky and colors as the sun began to hide behind the trees. Dinner was just what we wanted, a tender beef stew with veggies and mashed potatoes. We started a new series on Netflix called The Queen's Gambit. It's decent, not great so far but we will keep watching. We also watched the opening of SNL which was not up to snuff. Maybe we are getting bored with politics. We ended the night with The Great English Baking Show. What a relieft to watch somethng other than breaking news.