Monday, July 6, 2020

After The Fourth

A Thing Of Beauty (Evie's Catch This Morning)
A quiet morning after a busy weekend, as weekenders and vacationers have gone home.  Not much action on the lake this morning during my paddle, over to Tom's Point and back.  I saw a couple of bald eagles, perched high in pines and Great Blue perched on a dock and in a tree along Tom's Point. As I paddled home, Evie was on the dock, excited because she had just caught a huge bass.  She's becoming quite the fisherwoman. 

Kayak Morning
Morning Sky
For some reason, perhaps because I was up at 4:30, we were both tired much of Sunday, fortunately, a day of rest.  Because I was up so early, I was out on the lake earlier than usual, a good thing because I avoided the crowd.  We did the blog and I had breakfast by 9:00.  Our neighbors were busy out in their yard, clearing much of the fallen tree. So I got my gloves and went over and helped them for an hour, gathering branches, loading them on his trailer, and taking them up the hill to the woodpile.  It took a couple of trips but we cleaned it up pretty well.  He's decided to have the tree taken down since much of its trunk is rotten but their tree guy cannot get to it for a couple of weeks because he is so busy.

Great Blue Heron In Tree
Great Blue On Dock

Bald Eagle
Another Bad Boy
When I got home, I was whooped, relaxed on the couch, and fell asleep for an hour.  I guess I was tired,  Evie had done some watering while I napped, then came in and made us a Turkish omelet, toasted a bagel and we ate on the front porch, watching the action on the lake pick up.  I read some after breakfast, then tried to nap to no avail.  So I joined Evie in our front yard, in the shade, and we stayed their much of the afternoon, having no desire to sit on the dock. 

Annabelle Hydrangea
Around 5:00, we adjourned to the porch for a beer, relaxing before dinner after relaxing most of the afternoon.  Dinner was easy, heat up the burgers and dogs from Saturday and get out the potato salad and coleslaw.  We watched CBS Sunday Morning as we enjoyed our picnic dinner then decided it was too nice outside, so we fished out on the dock for a while, then walked down our street, ending up talking with neighbors at the north end.  It was great to see Jackie, our nonagenarian neighbor was up for the weekend.  Her father built their house in 1911 so she had been coming up to the lake each summer for quite a few years. When we walked back home, we noticed three or four bunnies running around Evie's garden, looking for something to munch on,  So we got out our fix,  plastic bottle of castor oil.  We hooked it up to the hose, sprayed the garden area and supposedly, moles, voles, other animals hate the smell and avoid the area. It''s also safe to use.  We ended the night with a Hometown and another episode of Money Heist.

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