Saturday, July 11, 2020

Overcast With Showers

Well, it's 8:30 and I got out for a paddle before the thunderstorms although it was threatening much of the trip. We did get an inch overnight.  Lots of guys out fishing around the reeds, so I have to weave my way around them, seemingly to their displeasure.  I caught two predators with my camera but because of the lack of light, it was difficult to tell what they are.  Once Evie puts them on IBird Pro, she will be able to tell.

Kayak Morning
Red-Tailed Hawk
What can I say about another hot one other than it was hot and we kept either inside or outside, under the shade of a tree.  I was intent on going to Wegman's early, by 7:00, to avoid the crowd but we were having trouble with our Wegman's app and I did not get off until 9:30.  Fortunately, it still was early for most shoppers so I was able to get around easily.  It was one of those days where I had a hard time finding things, continually had to reopen my app because I was wearing a mask.  I was home by 11:00, having forgotten only one thing, a new record for me.  It took a while to put everything away but once done, we will not have to worry about shopping for another week to ten days.  Yippee.

Evie was on the phone with Sirius/XM  customer service since we lost our connection.  It was a very painful 2 hours and 3 technicians later without the problem being solved.  During one of the conversations, Evie could hear roosters crowing in the background.

Dahlia A Day: Zingaro
I was smart enough to buy a sub for lunch, Danny's special, and it will last both Evie and me a couple of lunches.  The afternoon went quickly, napping, reading both inside and out, looking at a weather map, wondering if it was going to shower.  Well, it didn't rain until 6:00, perfect because I was outside baking pizza on a pizza stone in my grill.  A few days ago Evie had put together the 'world's best pizza dough', a dough you let rise and gain flavor for a couple of days, storing it in the refrigerator, then use it.  She made four 10" margarita pizzas, and we baked them for about seven minutes each until the dough was crisp.

Bad Photo, Worst Pizza
We could hardly wait for dinner which makes us laugh this morning.  One pizza dough was too crisp, tough, the top seemingly was undone.  The other pizza was chewy so that it took a while to get through it.  What a bummer. And Evie followed the recipe to a tee. The last two, by the way, will end up at the Transfer Station this morning. The salad, however, was great as were the ice cream sandwiches and mango bars.  We watched two more episodes of Money Heist, then the breaking news, that poor, innocent, Roget Stone was pardoned by Trump...It makes you proud to see the system work, to protect the downtrodden, the innocent.  All lives matter!

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