Sunday, July 7, 2024

Sunny Sunday




It's 9:30 and I just returned from an hour paddle on the lake, over to Tom's Point and back. Many people are out water skiing because the lake is calm, with a slight wind from the south. It was 66º when I woke and will get up to 80º later in the day. 

Kayak Morning

I Wonder If He Ever Moves

Yesterday was one of those days where I needed more mojo and interest in doing anything. They don't happen often thank goodness. Still, I made myself go for a paddle even though I didn't enjoy it and just wanted to come home and hit the couch. Evie could tell I was not my usual self and did whatever she could to make my day easier. We did get a few things done and I finally gathered the trash and drove to the Transfer Station, getting rid of our trash for the week, ready for this next week with our kids.

For lunch, Evie treated me to BLT's which immediately picked me up. I watched another Justfied but couldn't wait to go upstairs for a nap. I turned on the air conditioner and napped for a good hour. I came downstairs feeling better and since there was nothing we had to do, I watched Caitlin Clark play on TV having saved it so I could avoid commercials and timeouts.

Barb, With Carolina Wren And Cardinal Nests

Newt and Elizabeth

Porch Pary Saturday

Around 4:30, our neighbors, Jim and Barb, invited us to an impromptu porch party so by 5:45, we were sitting on their porch with other neighbors, enjoying beer, wine and table full of appetizers. It was fun way to end the day and we didn't head home until 8:00. Earlier in the day, Evie put together our dinner, spicy lamb meatballs in a tomato sauce so she heated that up along with pita bread and we had dinner. We watched a few shows, ended the night with Cheers as usual and went to bed by 10:00. It ended up being a good day.

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