Thursday, July 18, 2024

Mostly Rhys



It's a bright sunny morning, not a cloud in the sky, blue lake, a decent breeze and 61. Beth and Marissa leave today, leaving us empty nesters and it may be the nicest day of their stay, with high of 72º, not the 80's from this past week.

Grandma Mary, Rhys, Aunt Marlena

Taking A Bath In The Kitchen Sink

Yesterday was the kind of day where you are at sixes and sevens because Tom's family was leaving but not until mid-afternoon so we only did a little except sit around waiting for them to pack and leave, no hikes, no sunbathing or boat ride. I did get in a paddle early which for me was great. And we had a big breakfast as Evie made pancakes for all nine of us. The highlight of course was the baby, Rhys, as we passed him around so everyone got their baby fix before they left. Tom and Nick helped clean up the yard and we spent some time making sure we knew how the new electric lawn mower functioned and we realized both batteries needed to be charged. Now, it's ready for Evie. 

Ready To Travel

Lunch was hot dogs, sandwiches, and hanky pankies so no one would be hungry before their plane ride. Nick and Aundraya were packed and ready early and had everything for the Rhys flight arranged. They packed the car at 2:30 and were on their way to our dismay, driving to Cleveland, then taking flights to Chicago and home.  Unfortunately, the Cleveland flight was late but they didn't miss their connection in Chicago. 

A Tired Guy

Once they were gone, I decided to get some things organized and worked in the yard, putting away things then went for a swim, sun bathed briefly and came in and took my first shower in a three or four days. The four of us then relaxed on the porch, enjoying our wine as the day began to cool. We decided to have an easy dinner so Beth made bean and cheese quesadillas and Evie put together a salad and we were happy. We watched some of Catlin Clark game, then the first episode of ER, thinking our granddaughter, Marisa, who hopes to become a doctor, might like it. By 9:30, we were all tired and happy to go up to bed. It was a sad day, without Tom and his family, especially Rhys, a cutie. 

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