Wednesday, July 24, 2024

A Bright, Sunny Morning


It's 7:50 and I have been up for only a half hour, to a living room and lake filled with sunshine. Three or four boats are already docked off of the reeds, hoping the early bird catches the worm. It's 65º with a light southerly wind. I paddled on a warm morning for forty minutes, photographed an osprey and for the first time, lots of ducks, and a foot-and-a-half-inch turtle paddled by my boat, a foot below the lake's surface.

Kayak Morning

American Black Duck

Black Duck


A Bit Closer


Yesterday began with a 35-minute paddle, breakfast, and the blog and I was off to yoga for the first time in a couple of weeks by 9:10. It felt good to be back in class; my back has been feeling better lately, and did not bother me in yoga. After class, I stopped for coffee for the first time in a couple of weeks, then washed my Outback. It needed it because of the sap from trees. When I returned home, Evie had left for Jamestown for a procedure and then shopping at Wegman's so I was 'home alone.' 

I read for a while, looked at Facebook then decided to have lunch, the leftover fried rice from Monday night. I watched another episode of Babylon Berlin and even though I watched it a few years ago, I am really enjoying it. Evie was home around 1:30 and I helped unpack the car, then took a nap while she relaxed in the TV room, watching The View and CNN. The afternoon went quickly and by 5:00, Evie was on a Zoom call with her sisters. I decided to tidy up the yard. We have too many chairs in the yard, a result of our kid's visit.  I then did some weeding earlier in the afternoon, a fool's errand but I enjoy the feeling of digging a big weed out of the yard, putting it in a basket, and taking it up the hill. I also like pulling weeds out of the lake which I spent forty-five minutes doing on Monday. A strange dude, right?

Dinner was one of our favorites and easy, eggplant pasta. While Evie roasted the eggplant, I helped clean up the kitchen and by 6:30, we had a tasty pasta and a salad. We continue to watch TRYING on Apple TV+ and its fast becoming one of our all-time favorite series, funny and moving, with a couple we love. Watch it. When Evie went up to bed, I watched another episode of Babylon Berlin before bed. 

The Republican Convention described: "A Mega-Church service held in a Vegas Casino under the ever-watching gaze of a living God." 

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