Monday, July 8, 2024

Another Warm And Sunny Monday



It's 9:00 and so far it's been unusual Monday. Instead of kayaking, I drove to Home Depot to pick up a couple of things to fix my dock. When I got home, Evie was already busy rearranging rooms so we both worked for close to an hour, getting things organized upstairs for our family. It's actually warm enough that we  both worked up a sweat, at 8:30 in the morning!

Yesterday was a fairly easy day, no big projects other then Evie made a spinach noodle dish to freeze, forgot to turn on the timer, and to say it was well done is an understatement. Into the garbage it goes! We were going out to dinner so there was no worry about what to cook. I paddled for close to an hour and took another photo of the same heron. I then read the various newspapers on line, wrote the blog and had breakfast. By the time I was done, it was after 10:00. 

For lunch, I had the leftover lamb meatballs along with tomato sauce and watched my show. I then read some, took a nap and was in no mood to get anything done. I did clean up the kitchen after Evie finished with the casserole. Mid afternoon, our neighbor Missy, trimmed Evie's hair in the front yard. It looks really good.  I set up the watering hose from the lake and took weeds up the hill to the wood pile.

We both were showered and ready to drive to dinner at 5:30. We met good friends from college and teaching days at La Cucina Della Nonna in Jamestown. We try to get together at least once a summer when John and Penny drive in from Ohio and Stan and Carol head up to the lake from The Villages. They made a mistake with my pizza and I ended up with two huge pizzas for the price of one. Everyone shared their meals except Evie and I because their portions are so big. It was fun getting together, talking about the good old days growing up playing basketball in high school and college during the summer and teaching together in Painesville. We were home by 8:30 and Evie watered her garden for 15 minutes before we sat around watching TV for an hour before bed. It was a different sort of day. 

June 2023, Haven't Changed A Bit

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