Friday, July 26, 2024

Chilly Morning

Evie's Garden



It's 7:30 and we are both up, wrapped in blankets on a 55º morning. We love it. Fog hangs over the Bemus shoreline but the sky is clear above us and the lake. It looks like it's going to be another stellar day, sunny and relatively cool. It's 9:35 and I was out paddling for over an hour and a good morning for birding as I photographed three different ospreys, two herons, and one cormorant. 

Kayak Morning

Osprey Perched



Mouth Wide Open


Yesterday was Thursday but felt like Friday. You know what I mean if you are retired. Since it was a Thursday, I had breakfast in Bemus and did not get up early enough to also go for a paddle. When I came home, it was 9:30 so I finished up the blog and then Evie and I made a grocery list for me. By 10:30, I was off to both Wegmans and Aldis, then got my car washed before coming home. Both stores were crowded even on a Thursday. 

By the time I got home, I was hungry so I heated up my leftover Bahn Mi from the EBC and watched the last episode of Babylon Berlin on Prime. I guess if I want to watch the next three seasons, I will have to pay for it on another streaming channel. After lunch, I read some, then fell sleep for a bit before deciding to get a few things done in the yard. We moved the Russian sage, did more weeding, and worked more in the backyard, then Evie mowed it to make it look spiffy. 

By 5:30, we were enjoying a libation and cheese and crackers and commenting, again, on how lucky we were to be sitting on our porch, looking a the lake each afternoon. It was unusually quiet for a late July afternoon, with the sky clear and the lake a strikingly dark blue. Dinner was easy, roast beef sandwiches on brioche rolls, a salad and ice cream with peaches for dessert. We watched the pundits discuss the passion and rise of Kamala Harris. 

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