Thursday, July 4, 2024

Humid And Overcast





It's just 7:00 and I have been listening to Terry Gross interview a former federal judge who bemoans the activist and political decisions of the Supreme Court. Scary. It was 68º when I woke, and opened the windows to hopefully cool off the house on an overcast morning, mostly gray with a streak of light over Long Point. Now it is 7:30 and the sun just popped out, blinding me on the porch so I am going inside to our living room. The lake is busy with fishing boats and skiers because the lake is like glass. I just returned from a 50-minute paddle on a lake whose surface is covered with what looks like brown paint. I looked up what it might be, and the source suggested it could be green algae and cyanobacteria due to climate change and unseasonably warm temperatures.  I doubt if I will be swimming today. 

Kayak Morning



Heron, Same Tree, Same Heron

Same Guy

Yesterday was a good day despite the extreme heat and humidity. We had another heat wave with temperatures in the high 80s just two weeks ago and there is no global warming. The day started with a forty-five-minute paddle and a couple of shots of herons. We got a late start to the day, in no hurry to get a few things done. Evie had two things she wanted to do, mow the lawn and make a dessert for today. I wanted to play and cut weeds so I drove over to the entrance to the bridge in Bemus, parked my car and drove through Bemus to Long Point, then biked the trails and bike back to my car. It took just about an hour and I worked up a nice sweat. 

Long Point

When I returned home, Evie had yet to start mowing but had dessert made. Because I was so warm, I put on my bathing suit and went out to the dock, jumped in the lake, and cut weeds for forty-five minutes, clearing a nice swimming area for our kids. I then heated up the leftover chicken and rice for lunch and watched the finale of my Tennison series. Unfortunately, there is no second season. I then lost my mojo, read some and then napped in our air-conditioned bedroom. While I was napping, Evie began mowing, taking a time out every 10 minutes to have water and relax on our porch. 

I decided we needed libations for the fourth and next week so I drove to the Evans and picked up enough booze to hold us over for the next couple of weeks. I have to a admit the idea of an air conditioned car and wine store figured in on my trip. When I returned, it was so humid and sticky that I went back out to the lake and did some more cutting of weeds and swimming, just to cool off.  I also set up the hose for watering the front yard as Evie continued the mowing and time outs. I showered after my swim and felt great, ready for cocktail hour. Evie finally finished around 5:00, showered, and joined me on the porch. 

Stormy Weather

Our timing was perfect because just as we moved to the porch, it started to rain hard enough to partially obscure Long Point. The storm lasted for about 20 minutes and we got an inch of rain although we might have gotten a few showers overnight. We sat on the porch until we got hungry and heated up two leftover pork chops for dinner, along with a salad. There was not much to watch on TV, some news as always, then a couple of episodes of Cheers, again, before bed. It was a hot and humid evening so we had our air conditioner going before bed. 

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