Saturday, July 13, 2024

A House In Full




It's a hazy morning here on the lake, 66º, and three of us are up at 7:30. It looks like another sunny, warm day, with a high in the low 80s, a replica of yesterday. It's 8:00 and I just had my Rhys fix for about 15 minutes and then passed him on to Marisa to enjoy. Eight of us are up, enjoying our coffee and the baby. 





Friday began way too early with my getting up at 4:45 so I could be on my way to the Buffalo Airport to pick up my grandson Mitch and his girlfriend, Milena who took the red eye from Los Angeles, arriving in Buffalo at 7:30. So I was on my way by 5:45. Their flight was on time so we returned home around 9:30, to a busy house. Beth was making breakfast omelets for anyone who wanted one and others were making their own concoctions, usually more healthy. We had no real plans for the morning other than hanging out, making shopping lists, and enjoying being with each other. Beth's husband Ramiro flew in from Chicago arriving just before noon, making 16 of us. 


The Gang

Rhys, our great grandson was the center of our attention much of the day. Around 1:00, we had lunch, Evie's corn chowder, bean and tomato soup, and sandwiches. The girls spent a good part of the late morning and afternoon out on the dock, sunbathing and on the raft. Beth, Jill, and Mary left for the store around 1:00, picked up lasagna and noodles with veggies from an Italian restaurant, then stopped at Wegmans for more goodies. While they were gone, a few of us took naps and I was out for over an hour since I was up so early. 

A Happy Boy


Strawberry/Peach Margaritas On The Porch

We were content to just hang out the rest of the afternoon, with a cocktail hour starting about 5:00 as well as a bean bag tournament. We had dinner around 7:15, baked ziti, moussaka, lasagna and noodles with veggies, so there were lots of choices and delicious dishes. We ate outside as it began to cool off so it was pleasant. 


Porching It

Dinner For Sixteen

The rest of the evening with hung out, enjoying Rhys, sitting on the porch or around the dining room table, talking and having dessert until 9:30 when we began pealing off and going off to bed. 


  1. so happy to see everyone! the baby is beautiful!!

  2. Enjoy your time together!!


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