Sunday, July 28, 2024

Getting Boring: Sunny And Clear Skies

Immature Wood Duck



I woke at 6:30 to the roar of bass boats, beginning their tournament as they rounded Long Point. It's 61º and will get up into the mid-80s in the afternoon. It's 9:30 and I had a wonderful paddle, cool and breezy. I decided to kayak to Tom's Point, a 25 minute paddle and was rewarded with a photo of both a bald eagle and wood duck, as well as three ospreys hanging in a tree on my paddle home. 

Kayak Morning

Kicking Back

Bald Eagle

Wood Duck

Can You Find Three Ospreys? 

Yesterday was a day in full for the two of us. It began with a good paddle for forty minutes as the day began to warm up. After breakfast and the blog, I got a few things done while Evie cleaned up the kitchen and gathered the trash. By 10:00, I was off to the Transfer Station then Hogans to fill up to five gallon gas cans for my boat. Once I returned home, I got ready for a bike ride and fastened the rack to my Outback and strapped on my bike. I drove to Mayville, parked and rode Webb's Trail to begin my ride. I was worried I would be out of shape because I have not really walked, hiked or rode my bike much in the last month. I felt pretty good, however, and road Sea Lion Drive as well, finishing in forty five minutes, not as long as I hoped but enough to make me feel better about myself. 

Webb's Trail

Same Trail, 1/8/2024

When I returned home, Evie had already mowed half the yard and was relaxing on the front porch. I was famished after my ride so Evie made me a roast beef sandwich and I watched some of the Olympics although nothing really grabbed me yet. I don't really know much about the participants except  for the men and women's basketball teams and the obvious, Simone Biles and Katie Ledecky. 

I am reading Force Of Nature by Australian novelist Jane Harper and so far, I am enjoying it. I also tried to nap but to no avail so I spent a good part of the afternoon reading until 4:00 when we went out to the side yard and Evie cut my hair and trimmed my beard. We then both showered, then Evie quickly put together corn fritters before we walked to our neighborhood gathering. We try to meet two or three times and summer, to catch up with our busy lives and this year, to vote for a new President and various officers. Evie's fritters were a big hit as everyone was grabbing them and talking about how good they were. We had our meeting, paid our dues and stood around talking until the gang broke up and everyone went home.

I was determined to go out to dinner at the Lakewood Rod and Gun because we had just paid our dues but had not been there in months. We sat at the bar and enjoying talking with a couple from Mayville and Florida and that was the highlight of our night. We got a crappy table in the corner of the dining room and Evie's prime rib and my New York strip were both overdone so we did not enjoy our dinners.  The club was packed because it was lobster night. We ran into my weekend kayak buddies, Tina and Jim and their grandchildren.

We were home by 8:30, watched some of the Olympics then an episode of TRYING before going to bed, tired from our busy day. 

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