Saturday, July 6, 2024

Mostly Cloudy With Some Sun



It looks like it may cool down some and stay in the 70s today. At the moment, it's 66º and cloudy as the sun just disappeared. It's almost 10:00 as I finish this up. I paddled for forty minutes, kind of boring, then had breakfast and was in no hurry to finish the blog. 

Kayak Morning

Same Old Guy, Same Tree


Yesterday was back to routine after the fourth, with a good paddle to begin the day. And after breakfast, I drove to yoga in Lakewood for the first time in a few days. I really didn't want to do either the kayaking or yoga but made myself do them. It used to be I couldn't wait to get up and paddle, then go to yoga. Now I do it because it's good for me but not as much fun. I was tempted to stop for coffee but instead, went to Tractor Supply to pick up a trap for groundhogs which seem to be eating Evie's plants. 

When I got home, Evie was up and busy cleaning up the kitchen. I showed her the trap and she put a bunch of veggies on a plate and it set the trap in her garden. We hope it works but I am not optimistic. For lunch, I warmed up a chicken pot pie, my new fast and easy lunch and watched another episode of Justified. I then got back to my book, Don Winslow's City Of Ruins and took a good nap because I had a bad night. After my nap, we went for a crusie over to Bemus Point and back, joining the rest of the boats out for a fun afternoon. As a result, the lake was extremely choppy so it was rough going. We were out for forty-five minutes then came in and I put the cover back on the boat because rain was forecast. I then did a few things around the yard but it was too hot to get much done so I joined Evie on the porch and had a beer. 

By 5:30 it was hot on the porch so we came inside and enjoyed the fan and a glass of wine. Dinner was easy, as Evie heated up the leftovers from the fourth, the chicken and noodles, and with a salad, we had a tasty dinner. Recently, we have had trouble finding something to watch and started a film, stopped it, then watched another episode of Presumed Innocent on AppleTV+ and though we are sticking with it, we think its too drawn out and boring,  nothing like the film we loved. So we ended up again with Cheers and were happy. 

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