Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Partly Cloudy And Quiet

Evie Joy - photo cred: Arlo



It's just 7:00 and I have been up for a half hour. When I came downstairs, the sun was up, filling the lake with its light but now, it's hidden behind the clouds.  It's 8:40 and I was out for just a half hour. As I was sitting in my kayak, looking for a heron, a great blue just flew into the trees, about 20 yards in front of my kayak, waiting, I supposed, to be photographed. 

Kayak Morning

The Sun

Great Blue

Got An Itch

Yesterday was a surprisingly productive day for both of us. I paddled for forty-five minutes to start the day as usual and came home in no hurry to get things done. For some reason, however, I had my mojo so I decided to pull some weeds from the lake, the kind that reach above the water line. So I got out my rubber basket, tied it to my waist and pulled weeds and lily pads for forty-five minutes, putting them on the dock to dry. I then thought since I was in the lake, why not take down the martin house gourds since they are no longer around. It was an easy ten minutes and our lakefront was clear of weeds and the martin house. 

Selfie by Arlo And Louie

I decided to go help Evie with the bedrooms but just as I walked in, she got a call from our neighbors to see if it was all right for her grandsons to come over and play. The answer was yes, of course, so plans to get things done were put on hold so Evie and the boys could play. I decided to clean the martin gourds then, get them ready to store for the winter, and then have lunch, the leftover chicken and broccoli from Saturday night. What would I do for lunch without leftovers? While I was eating, Evie had already made cinnamon piggies with the boys and they were eating them on the front porch while she read them Calvin and Hobbes. Around 1:30, their Dad came over to get them and I decided to take a nap. 

The Good Life: cinnamon piggies and Calvin And Hobbes

After my nap, we were able to get another bedroom cleaned and ready for the next visit so we ended up getting something accomplished although the attic still is chaos and will take a cool day before we can get it organized. Late afternoon Evie mentioned that it was supposed to rain for an hour at 5:00 so I put the cover on the boat, knowing that by doing so, it wouldn't rain. We sat on the front porch with a glass of wine waiting for it to rain but it waited till later in the evening around 8:30. 


At 6:30 we got busy with our fried rice dinner in our wok. We started with an egg omelet, then carrots then ground pork, before adding the leftovers from the previous night's dinner, shrimp and broccoli, then hoisin sauce and soy, and finally the eggs and rice. It was delicious of course and we wonder why we don't make it more often with leftover rice. We watched three more episodes of TRYING on AppleTV+ and are becoming big fans. It's a great series, funny and touching. We ended the night with the plaudits for Kamala from CNN and the boos and hisses from Fox. It's going to be an ugly three months.

Missing Istanbul!

Istanbul's Spice Shop In The Grand Bazaar

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