7:04 |
9:08 |
It's 7:40, 56º and a quiet morning on the lake. Our neighbors' ski boat passed by ten minutes ago but that's about it for action other then the incessant, annoying cawing of crows. It's 9:15 and I paddled for forty minutes and photographed both an osprey, high in a pine and a heron, seemingly in the same tree as the past couple of days.
Northern Blue |
Heron |
Kayak Morning |
Yesterday began with a great paddle and shots of a couple of osprey. They seem more prevalent than ever, resulting from reinviting them to the area around ten years ago. I had in my mind a bike ride but working in the garden with Evie took precedence much of the morning. I did edging, and some weeding along with her until everything looked good. Then, because it wasn't yet lunchtime, I decided to go crazy and pull weeds out from the lake again. I called it a fool's errand the other day and still feel that way because once I get it cleared, more weeds appear almost instantly. Still, there's some satisfaction of a pile of weeds drying on the dock when I am done.
Evie likes to see me out working, pulling weeds from the lake or garden and she rewarded me with a couple of delicious BLTs. There isn't a better sandwich than a well-made BLT, with lots of mayo, crispy bacon, and juicy tomatoes. Yum. I was a happy boy. After lunch, I finished my book, Twilight Territory, about the French/Vietnamese conflict in the 1940s and 1950s and the horrors a family goes through as a result. It makes me feel so lucky to have lived in the US and guilty as well that people live such devasting lives as a result of Civil Wars. Could it happen here? I hope not but some of the MAGA crazies are threatening it if Trump loses.
Of course, I also napped, and neither of us have much energy in the afternoon, especially if we had a busy morning. We ended up on chaise lunges in the side yard, in the shade, reading until it was wine time and we moved to the front porch. Evie was tempted to mow but decided to put it off until today. She's beginning to realize she does not have to mow every three or four days although her new electric mower is tempting.
Happy Hour |
Dinner was marinated salmon, rice, corn on the cob, and a salad. We watched a couple of episodes of TRYING and watched the last episode of Presumed Innocent. Neither of us much liked the series but we stuck with it. My advice: watch the film with Harrison Ford. We then skimmed through the bizarre opening of the Olympics. It was quite a spectacle, with dancers along the shoreline of the Seine, somewhat boring and, unfortunately, raining. The highlight for us was Celine Dion's powerful performance from the Effiel Tower to celebrate the opening.