Saturday, March 5, 2022

Getting Warm Again



It's 7:18 and I have been up since 6:30, watching the dark sky turn gray, as the sun struggles to break through the clouds.  It's a chilly 26º at the moment but may get up to the low 50s later in the day as the snow continues to melt. Evie could probably cut our front yard today.

Friday was like most days, as we did get out of the house but mostly had another relaxing day with nothing we had nor wanted to do.  So we had our leisurely coffee, discussing what to do with the day, what to have for dinner. I looked up recipes and happened upon a  spaghetti carbonara recipe that sounded good and wanted to make it. So that was settled.  We then realized we should go to the store for a few things so we were off to Aldi's and Wegmans by 11:00.  Aldi's advertised dahlia bulbs but the check-out gal suggested we come back next week. Wegmans was not as busy as on Tuesdays but it's always busy. 

We were home by noon and I had a slice of pizza from Wegmans for lunch and Evie made a  great salad so I had another tasty lunch. And I am still watching the Sopranos of course during lunch.  And afterward, what else to do but read some and take a nap.  Life does not change much when you are retired and it's winter.

Around 3:30 I wanted some exercise so I intended on cross country skiing on the lake but I could not find a safe shoreline to get on the lake. Every place I tired, the ice cracked and my skis would have gotten wet.  So I skied around our neighborhood, in the front yards, around Pine Hill and home, out for about 20 minutes.  Next time I will drive to Long Point and cross country ski in the woods,

About 6:00, I began the spaghetti carbonara, with Evie's help, cooking the pancetta, boiling the noodles, and mixing the cheese with eggs. Once the noodles were done, we added them to the cheese and egg mixture, then the browned pancetta and mixed.  We added some pasta water, then plated it and ate it with a salad as we watched TV.  Unfortunately, it was just average, lacking flavor, not quite a bust but close.  Maybe it needed more cheese, salt, something. We then watched a film, Hidden Agenda, set in the violent 1990s in Ireland. It was a depressing look at how governments often justify breaking laws, resulting even in killing, in the name of the 'ends justify the means.' You go away from this film understanding no government or institution is clean, all are dirty at some time or another.  We ended the night with Jeopardy and Colbert.


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