Sunday, May 2, 2021

Warming With A Morning Drizzle



I woke to partial sunshine but now it's overcast.  The back stoop was wet from a touch of rain but it has done hardly anything for our plants.   It's 58º and should get up in the mid-'70s later in the afternoon.  The lake is fairly calm so I think I will be able to get in a paddle even if it rains.  It's 9:20 and I was out paddling for over an hour, in the drizzle, to Tom's Point and back, pleasant enough because the drizzle hardly got me wet.  The Powerboat Club was busy, as at least 25 guys were putting in their extensive dock, grooving to the sounds of Credence Clearwater Revival, audible from our front porch. 

Kayak Morning

The Bridge From Tom's Point

Into A Drizzle

Yesterday was a good day as we both got things done; it makes us both feel good.  I started my day early by rescuing what I think was a neighbor's kayak and towing it home. I then wrote the blog, had breakfast and by then Evie was up. Once she had her coffee, we gathered the trash, cleaned out the refrigerator and I drove off to the Transfer Station.  Because we are getting ready for Spring planting, I drive off to Home Depot and picked up the potting soil Evie needs for her ivy geraniums and dahlias.  Before I left, I watered our new junipers.  Home Depot was busy, a long line in the garden section and I even had trouble finding a flat pushcart to stack my five bags of potting soil. I also stopped at the bank, deposited checks and checked out a nursery for plants.

Tina And Jim, Weekend Paddlers, Are Back

I didn't get home till 1:00 and had the leftover spaghetti for lunch and watched my drug carte series. Evie decided we needed more trees for creating our wall of green so while I read and napped, she drove off to Art's and picked up four more junipers, stopped at Mikes's for ivy geraniums, and Wegman's for a few things.  When she returned, we planted four more junipers and I think we have enough, at least I do.  We were busy the rest of the afternoon as well, Evie in the kitchen, prepped a moussaka for tonight's dinner.  I cleaned up the kitchen, watered the new junipers, and raked up all the deadfall from Friday's windstorm, filling a couple of pails.

Around 6:00, we were finally done and settled on our couch, enjoying happy hour with a couple of Manhattans and a big bowl of popcorn, our new favorite snack. It was a quiet early evening on the lake, with a slow, darkening sky, and searched Apple Music for new songs.  Dinner was baked potatoes and meatloaf from the freezer. We watched Real Time With Bill Maher and a couple of home improvement shows to end the evening.  

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