Monday, May 3, 2021

Docks Are Going In!


Momma Robin, Outside Our TV Room Window

It's overcast, a warm 55º and it looks like rain much of the day.  A couple docks went in next door yesterday afternoon, a sure sign that summer is coming.  Well, it's 8:45, I am back from an hour kayaking, over to Long Point and back to Sandy Bottom and home.  I scared off a couple of herons as well as buffleheads so I did not get any good photographs.  When I got home, Evie was up, finishing up the dishes from last night like a good girl.  

Kayak Morning

Long Point

Long Point

Sunday was another beautiful day although it started out for me with a paddle in the drizzle.  We were having our neighbors over for dinner, Ken and Marjorie, both up from Pittsburgh for the first time since last fall. So we had a few things to do during the day to get ready but we also had lots of time to enjoy ourselves.  Around 10:30, after breakfast and the blog, our neighbor, Debi, brought her two grandsons over because they were interested in Evie's Treasure Chest.  

Mimi And The Boys

While they were here, I drove to Mayville to check if my old kayak is repaired yet.  The answer is no.  I also stopped and dropped off the travel bed and talked with Ron before heading home.  When I got home, Evie was making pancakes for the boys, Arlo and Louie, loving having youngsters around to play with. I was lucky to get a stack of cakes as well with maple syrup for my lunch.  



Once they left, I read and napped briefly and Evie kept busy, putting together a pudding cake for our dessert and making a salad.  Once that was done, she could relax and for the first time this Spring, it was warm enough for her to enjoy the dock.  I did a little yard work, adding a couple of bags of dirt around the junipers and watering them with lake water.

Happy That Our Neighbors Are Back

Around 5:30, Evie made the white sauce for the moussaka and put it in the oven just as our friends arrived for dinner.  I made them my now-famous whiskey sours with maple syrup and they loved them, of course.  We sat out on our front porch, enjoying our drinks, edamame, and crackers with beer cheese.  We had fun catching up on lots of grandchildren's lives.  What else do grandparents talk about?  Dinner was great, the moussaka better than ever, with a simple salad and sourdough rolls.  We had dessert, the pudding cake with vanilla ice cream in the living room.  Because Ken had just recently gotten Netflix we spent most of the time talking about movies and series we have liked on Netflix.  They left around 9:30 and I then did up most but not all of the dishes to end a good day and evening with friends.


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