Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Winds, Clouds, Sun

It's 8:10, windy and sunny, and I have had to move from the couch to a chair to avoid the blinding morning sun.  I just got back from a forty-five-minute paddle, rough going as I headed south into the wind, easy on the way back home.  I woke at 6:00 to overcast skies that gradually gave way to clouds, then sunshine.

Kayak Morning
Threatening Southern Sky
Northern Sky
Turkey Vultures Hanging Out
Not much of a change yesterday, no surprise. Despite the early clouds, I got in a good paddle down to Wells Bay and came home to breakfast and finishing up the blog,  After coffee and the blog, Evie got busy tweaking the Shutterfly Album, as there's always more she can do.  I took my car to Hogan's, filled up the two five-gallon gas cans for my boat, a two-gallon can for the lawnmower and drove out Carpenter Pringle Road where my boat is stored.  Joe pulled it out of storage on Monday, so I did three things, getting it ready for Chris to put in a new impeller and plugs.  I connected the new battery, put ten gallons in the boat's tank, and screwed in the drain plug, always the last thing, something we do not want to forget.  It took me about an hour to get the gas, work on the boat, and get home where Evie was still playing with the photos.

Paddle Boarders
Fortunately, Evie was soon tired of working on the album, so she volunteered to make my lunch, heating up the leftover baked beans, frying a hot dog, warming up a piece of pizza, an eclectic lunch for sure.  I watched a couple episodes of Fauda, then read my Tana French, Faithful Place, and napped briefly.  The rest of the afternoon was a waste as neither of us felt like doing much, no hike or walk at the Chautauqua Institution. Finally, around 4:30, I got fed up with myself and practiced yoga for forty-five minutes, always an effective panacea for the blahs.  Meanwhile, Evie worked some in the yard and I then met her out on the dock with a glass of wine as we sat in our Adirondacks on the dock, enjoying the late afternoon clouds.

Marshmallows In The Sky
Since it was Tuesday, I volunteered to do dinner so around 6:30, I drove over to Steeners Pub and picked up two rib eyes and fries for dinner.  I am a good boy.  We quickly plated our steaks and fries, grabbed the ketchup and salad, and we had one of our better steak dinners from Steeners.  We watched Colbert, a Home Town, and Homeland.  And, we, of course, ended the night with Cheers.  In this episode, Sam enters Diane in the Best Waitress in Boston contest.

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