Friday, April 10, 2020

A Nasty Spring Morning

It's almost 7:00 and I have been up since 5:45, listening to the wind howl, the sleet or snow hit the house, and watching the waves roll in.  I can't think of a nastier morning.  I have no desire to get outside, to enjoy the natural world.  The comfort of home feels right.  We have an inch or two of snow, enough to paint the yards white, lightly frost the tree limbs. 

Snow Begins Yesterday Morning
Yesterday was a day of contrasts, as just about every type of weather filled the day. I did get in a paddle, just before it began to sleet, then snow.  That went on a good part of the morning.  This mixture of rain, sleet, and snow also continued into the afternoon and evening. A couple of times, however, it let up and the sun shone briefly before it clouded up and large snow flurries once again fell.

Kingfisher Perched On Purple Martin House
Interestingly, around 10:30, I took advantage of the brief sunshine and took a walk through the Victoria/Woodlawn woods. As I started, the trail was white, a thin coating of snow.  By the time I finished walking, a half-hour later, the snow had melted and the trails were leaf brown. I am glad I got out when I did because it was the only time of the day when we had some blue skies.  While I played, Evie was deep cleaning our upstairs bathroom, an onerous but necessary task.  In preparation for spring cleaning of the bedrooms, I helped out by getting on a ladder and dusting, then wiping down our ceiling fans. By the time  I was done, it was lunchtime.  Evie made me a yummy salami sandwich and I heated up a can of Progresso soup.  The sandwich was great, the soup mediocre because I am used to homemade soups.  I can't believe I grew up on Campbell's soups, a lunchtime staple.

Kinney's Run
A Dusting Of Snow
World Of Brown
A Brief Woodlawn Sun
After lunch, I finished my book, American Dirt, then took a quick nap, waking up when the Kindle fell out of my hands,  Idiot.  We relaxed much of the afternoon although Evie had to prep our dinner, Greek lemon chicken, so it was ready to put in the oven.  I was looking for a new book and settled on John LeCarre's The Night Manager.  I enjoyed the series on TV. So far, so good although I more or less know the story.  Around 4:00, we gave in to our lesser selves and watched another episode of The Americans.  We usually save it for the evening.

Around 5:00, Evie put the chicken in the oven, made the lemon/oregano gravy and rice.  By 6:30, we were enjoying our lemon chicken, with rice, asparagus, and a salad.  We were both hungry and devoured our dinner.  Sometimes dinner just hits the spot and last night was one of those nights.  We both went back for seconds.  We finally happened upon the right film, Blinded By The Light.  The best way to describe it would be Bruce Springsteen goes to Bollywood.  A young Pakistani teen becomes obsessed with Bruce Springsteen and his lyrics and songs change his life.  It leads to conflict with his conservative Muslim family and he also has to put up with the racism in his English town.  Bruce helps him to navigate both conflicts.  It's ultimately an upbeat film, lots of Springsteen's songs, even some dancing, thus the Bollywood influence.  We both loved it and recommend it highly.

Watch It
After the film, we had brownies with ice cream for dessert and ended the night with two more episodes of The Americans, with three to go before we finish the series.  It was a good night despite the weather.

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