Saturday, April 4, 2020

'Oh What A Beautiful Morning, Oh What A Beautiful Day

Old Glory 
It's 8:20 and I have been up for two hours, yep two hours and have just returned from an amazing paddle on the lake.  The lake could not have been more beautiful, not a ripple, lots of sun, blue skies, a few clouds, and 40º.  I paddled over to Long Point, down its shoreline, then across to Sandy Bottom, back to the end of Woodlawn and home, about an hour.  I caught a couple of buffleheads with my camera but there still are no herons, just a few waterfowl in fact. 

Before kayaking, I listened to a Bulwark Podcast interview thriller author Brad Thor.  He pulled no punches in his criticism of Trump, calling him mentally impaired, incompetent, unable to put together a complete sentence,  even crazy. He suggested no one in their right mind would hire this guy to run a company and now he runs our country.  Madness.  And that's just a mild comment.  By the way, both the host, Charlie Sykes and his guest Brad Thor, were conservative Republicans before the Trumper Populists took over the Republican party. Now they are Independents,

Kayak Morning
Long Point
Whitney Bay
Long Point And Bemus Bay
Woodlawn and Victoria
The Hood
Friday was windy and cool though sunny.  I smartly stayed in and did not go for a paddle.  After I finished my blog, had my baba toast (jam and feta on toast), I did get some exercise and went for a walk through the Victoria/Woodlawn woods, a quick easy half-hour hike.  It's always settling to be in the woods, if only for a short time.  We then did little the rest of the morning until we went for a walk around the CI, still not very busy at least we did not see many people.  I talked with my daughter who lives in Dallas where most everyone is staying inside.  She said it was difficult to take a walk because everyone in their neighborhood had the same idea, walking or taking their dog for a walk so the walks were crowded.  It makes us feel lucky to live in an area where we have little population density.

Beautiful Walk
 When we returned from our walk, I had the leftover sweet potatoes, garbanzo beans, and a tahini/lemon sauce.  And, of course, I had soup, a bowl of Turkish lentil soup, a soup we never tire of.  Because of the wind, the cold air, we stayed in the rest of the afternoon despite the sun until around 3:00, when it clouded up.  I read quite a bit, napped and around 4:00, practiced my yoga.

A Cottage In Victoria
At 5:30, I washed some red potatoes, cleaned some Brussel sprouts and Evie put her premade meatloaf in the oven with the potatoes  We then enjoyed our late afternoon for an hour, listening to the news, then the Great Babbler, try to make sense of the world.  We loved our dinner.  What's not to like about meatloaf with ketchup, potatoes, Brussel sprouts and a great salad with hard-boiled eggs.  We stuck with the briefing, listened to the pundits point out the inconsistencies and misinformation, an easy task before deciding on a film, Knives Out on Apple TV.  We almost turned it off after twenty minutes, as it seemed dated and silly,  a remake of a 1960's Agatha Christie film.  It picked up in the second half although I never did get used to James Bond with a Southern accent.  We ended the night with The Americans.

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