Monday, July 3, 2023

Rainy Days, Amazing Clouds


Blue Skies To The West As I Kayak

Well, it's 7;10 and I have been up since 6:15, to a cloudy sky, some drizzle, and 64º, pretty much the same as yesterday morning. It's 9:40 later than usual as I finish this but I was out kayaking for an hour and a half, around Tom's Point, along the Stow waterfront, and then back home, scaring off a couple of herons but still getting some good photos of a couple of others. And despite the fact that it rained or drizzled most of the day, we only got a half inch of rain. 

Kayak Morning

Eastern Sky

More Amazing Clouds

The Sky


Sunday as I mentioned above, was overcast, with drizzle most of the day. So it was a good day to stay inside and get things done, readying the house for fourteen. So we spent a good part of the morning getting the bedrooms set, up with various types of mattresses so that the kids have something to sleep on. Each adult gets a bedroom, and their kids sleep on the floor on mattresses or downstair in the TV room. We haven't quite figured it out and yes, we have rented a room in the motel for some lucky couple. So we have things mostly ready for sleeping arrangments and today, Evie starts or I should say continues shopping for the week. 

Juvenile Eagle

Graceful Blue Heron

Resting In The Trees

Once we were done, we relaxed some until it was time for a big breakfast, eggs, and a bagel, just what I wanted. I then took a nap upstairs for a good hour, waking groggy, while Evie spent a couple of hours with our neighbor's grandson, who loves to come over and play. He loves it and so does she. Because of the rain, we then wasted the afternoon, not that it bothered either one of us. We had accomplished something in the morning. Around 3:30, I thought the drizzle let up and went for a paddle on a calm and empty lake but came home wet, as it started to rain harder once I was out there. 

Our Neighbor's Grandson, Louie

We were supposed to go out to dinner with Linda and Ron but because of the rain, we knew Pace's Pizzas outdoor patio would be closed, so Linda suggested coming over to their house instead. That was fine with us, probably better than Paces. So by 6:15, we were sitting on their porch, enjoying a glass of wine and appetizers. 

Sunday Dinner

We both had some good stories which took us to dinner, chicken thighs, delicious lemony pasta with artichoke hearts, and cheese, cherries, apples, and a glass of French wine for dessert called Muscato. We didn't get home until 10:00, just as traffic was still letting out from the CI's Dinah Ross concert. Both of us were bushed, so we just went up to bed, a good day. better evening.

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