Monday, July 24, 2023

Partly Cloudy And Warming


It's a bit overcast although the sun is out on a 61º morning. Not much action on the lake yet because its Monday and the weekenders have gone home. It should get in the high 70s today but towards the weekend it may get in the high 80s as it heats up.  I was awakened twice during the night, by a brief thunderstorm and around 5:00, by the trash truck. Nice. It's 8:00 and I am about to go kayaking and looked out at the lake and not a boat was in sight, amazing even for a Monday morning. 

Kayak Morning

Northern Sky

Heron On Woodlawn Dock

Great Blue

Osprey In The Victoria Trees

Yesterday was a day of rest for both of us, much needed. I was up way too early, out on the lake for a long paddle, always a good way to start my day. Evie was up by 8:30, so we finished up the blog and I had breakfast. We had been wanting to go for a boat ride but every time we thought about it, the wind picked up or the boat traffic was heavy. So around 11:00, we jumped in our boat or rather gingerly stepped into it and cruised over to Bemus, along Lakeside Drive and home. It was good to be back out on the lake and Evie loves it when I race, if you call going 25 miles an hour racing.

There is not much new to say about the rest of the day. It was too hot to sit out on the dock, so we stayed in the house or on the porch the rest of the day. I had soup and the rest of the chicken salad sub for lunch, then briefly napped and finished my book, starting the newest Martin Cruz Smith novel, Independence Day, set in contemporary Moscow. Around 4:00, I hooked up our hose to the lake so Evie could water her garden and went for a swim, pulling in a buoy we no longer needed since the family left. Around 5:30, we relaxed with a glass or two of wine until 6:30 when Evie went in a baked the tilapia in the air fryer. We had it along with the leftover German potato salad and coleslaw from Saturday night's dinner. We started to watch a film on Hulu called The Quiet Girl but the subtitles were difficult to read so quit it and went back to our series, Hijack, on Apple TV+. It's a thriller, long and drawn out but worth watching. 

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