6:16 |
6:44 |
8:28 |
It's 6:48 and I have been up since 6:06, waiting for the sun to rise on a clear sky morning. It's 55º and once again will get into the high 70s by the afternoon. It was a beautiful morning for a paddle, calm lake, light cloud cover, and some sun. Our friends and kayak buddies, Tina and Jim are up and ready to paddle.
Kayak Morning |
Long Point |
North |
Yesterday was another typical Thursday, with a short paddle, then breakfast in Bemus. I was home by 9:15, in time to finish the blog, and was off to Yin Yoga by 9:40. Yin yoga is mostly a restorative class, which I needed after the rigorous yoga class on Wednesday. After class, I drove to Wegman's and did a quick walk-through, picking up a few things we needed for the weekend. It was surprisingly empty.
Loon |
Osprey In Victoria |
Taking Flight |
I was home by 12:30 and Evie made me a cheese sandwich which was enough since I had a big breakfast that morning. Evie had a pot of sweet potato and spinach soup simmering on the stove but it wasn't ready for lunch, alas. For some reason, neither of us had much mojo in the afternoons, so we both relaxed and I tried to nap but couldn't. So I decided to get something done in the yard and trimmed the red twigs in our back yard, and the privets in the front yard, hoping they will grow fuller as a result.
While we had happy hour, Evie worked on the Shutterfly book of the past summer, making some progress and feeling good about it. Dinner was easy, the leftover pizza from Pace's, soup, and a salad. We watched a couple of Colberts, then Jeopardy, and ended the night with the first episode of a new series on Netflix called The Diplomat. It's too early to tell much about it and we will stick with it for now.
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