Friday, January 27, 2023

Some Blue, Mostly Gray And White



It's later than usual as I start this, 8:40 although I have been up for over an hour. Evie has just joined me and the sky shows some light off to the south, as the sun tries to break through the clouds. We received another couple of inches overnight, nothing spectacular, and it looks like we won't get any snow today on a chilly 23º morning. 

The highlight of yesterday was a yoga class, not an eye doctor's appointment. It started out like most Thursdays, with breakfast in Bemus in the light snow, then home to finish up the blog and head off to yoga class. Thursdays are always the most crowded so it's nice to get there early so I don't have to be in the front. After class, I resisted the temptation to get another coffee and came straight home, parked my car, and shoveled a couple more inches of snow off our parking space. Unfortunately, much of it is now ice, making it more difficult to get to the house. 

When I walked it, Evie had torn apart the spice cupboard so the kitchen counters were overflowing with bottles and bags of all kinds. I had to laugh because it looked like a tornado had hit the kitchen. I did up a few dishes before lunch, the leftover salmon salad. What a difference the coho salmon makes! I watched my show Fauda which seems to end but doesn't as another conflict appears. The afternoon was boring because I didn't get outside for a walk. I just read, napped, then joined Evie in the den to watch another ER, this one had us both on the edge of our seats it was so intense. 

Dinner was an Evie original, seared boneless chicken thighs, orzo, artichoke hearts, tomato sauce, and chicken stock over cooked garlic spinach. Once it was plated, we watched a new series to us but an old one, recommended by our daughter Beth quite a few years ago called Wentworth (2013-2021), an Australian series. Like Orange Is The New Black, it's set in a women's prison and is maybe even better than Orange. It's intense, dark, and tragic, the acting is superb, and we cannot help but empathize with many of the inmates. We watched two episodes, then our usuals, Jeopardy and Colbert. 

A photo of a Dahlia Trivet, a gift from our mail lady, Gena, for Evie.   What a nice surprise!

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