Sunday, June 19, 2022

Greek Dancing/Food At Yassou Festival

Fun Night


Another chilly and windy morning here at the lake. The sun is out, however, brightly shining, its reflection dazzling on the lake's surface. It's 50º, unusual for this time of the year but I will take it over Wednesday's 89º and humid. It's 9:00 as we finish the blog. I paddled for only a half hour because the northerly wind made paddling difficult, so I stayed along Woodlawn, not venturing across the lake. 

Kayak Morning

Yesterday was a busy Saturday despite the heavy winds. There was no kayaking because of the wind so I had to satisfy myself with an extra cup of coffee and writing the blog. We kept busy much of the morning with yard work and a trip to the Transfer Station, getting rid of a week's worth of trash, much of it boxes from Amazon. I ended up taking yard scraps up the hill twice, as Evie and Austin were busy with the yards and gardens. And I dug out a couple of bushes around the TV room window to make room for new plants. Evie's garden is being overrun by chipmunks but she read somewhere they hate the smell of cinnamon so she spread it around the garden, hoping to fend them off. So far, the dahlias have fared well, few having been eaten or damaged. 

Lunch was easy, a microwaved Pad Thai and peanut butter and jelly sandwich. And I watched another episode of Season One of the Peaky Blinders. The rest of the afternoon was spent relaxing and reading and napping, at least for me, the usual. I started a new Dismas Hardy novel.  Austin was here for almost 4 hours working on our neighbors yard.  Evie was "showing him the ropes" and ended up working with him for an hour on Joyce's garden.  The weeds were a problem because the plants are large but it looks great, at least from a distance.

Happy Boys

Greek Food

The Youngest Dancer

By 5:30, we were off to the Yassou Festival in Jamestown, with a quick stop at Old Navy to do some shopping. We were lucky to find a parking spot, a quarter of a mile from the Festival's tent. We paid three bucks to enter, then waited in line for at least 20 minutes for our food. You had four or five choices, Evie decided on the gyro sandwiche, salad and spanakopita and I got an enormous lamb shank, with rice and meatballs. Both meals were delicious. 

We were able to find seats at the edge of the dance floor and enjoyed our meal with a beer, as three or four troupes of kids of various ages, dressed in traditional Greek costumes, danced traditional Greek dances. They were fun to watch, the youngest maybe three or four, the oldest, maybe in his 30s although most of the groups were in their teens. I would say there were at least a couple of hundred enjoying the food, live music and dancer. 

Everyone Joins In

We left about 8:00, stopped at Hogan's new ice cream hut for chocolate/mashmellow sundaes, and enjoyed them at home, watching Colbert and Real Time With Bill Maher, The Yassou Festival was a perfect way to end the day and this is probably the third or fourth time we have attended over the years.

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