Thursday, June 23, 2022

A Pleasantly Cool Morning




It's almost 6:00, the windows are open to let in the cool air and I have been up since 5:20, listening to the roar of the boat motors, as the fishing boats head out to the lake. And the living room was just filled with light because the sun rose over the Long Point shoreline.  It should be a glorious day in the low 70s with lots of sunshine.  It's 7:30 and I just returned from an hour on the lake, with no bird photos but still, pleasant kayaking on the lake. It's 9:20 as I finish, after returning from breakfast at a very busy Lake Life Cafe. 

Kayak Morning

Shades Of Blue

Yesterday was possibly a record-setting day with a high in the 90s, reinforcing why we like fall and winter, not this heat.  I did paddle for over an hour, as the temperature increased, warming my back as I paddled home. Evie had plans for the morning which include me, alas, giving the house a good June cleaning, the reason we were having company over for dinner tonight. Thank God for a company or the house would be a mess. As Evie dusted, I vacuumed and helped clean up the kitchen. We didn't start until 10:30 so we were finished around noon.  I also got out the outdoor dining table and chairs and gave both a good washing and cleaning so we can now enjoy eating outside.  Both of us worked up a sweat so we put on our bathing suits and went for a nice cooling swim. With temperatures in the high 80s, it's the only way to stay cool. 

Lunch was sardines in a tomato sauce and bagel and I finished the first season rewatching Peaky Blinders on Netflix. The afternoon was uncomfortable. both in and out but Evie was busy prepping the marinade and sauce for tonight's dinner, Peruvian chicken, a new favorite. I did a few things outside after a nap but spent most of the afternoon trying to stay cool and reading, We went for a boat ride at 5:00 just as the wind picked up, easily cruised to Bemus, but had a rough cruise home. And, unfortunately, a wind gust broke the bracket holding our bimini canvas top, as it flapped crazily in the wind.  Something else to get fixed. 

Evie fixed a good old diner dinner, chicken and gravy over mashed potatoes and I loved it of course, Even went back for seconds and there's enough leftover for lunch today, We watched the usual, Colbert, Jeopardy, and a Home Improvement show before bed. 

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