Monday, December 6, 2021

Rain And A Warm 50º

Middle Age (?) Crazy!


It's 9:10 as I start this after a half-hour paddle in the rain.  I did not expect to get in a morning paddle because heavy winds and rain are predicted but at least for now, the wind is light and the rain is mostly a drizzle.  I went out mostly because a solitary swan was swimming a few houses down the lake and I wanted to get a better photo of him. Of course, as I pushed my kayak into the lake and started to paddle, he flew off.  At least the photo from my porch is decent.

Paddling In The Rain

Kayak Morning

First Sighting Of A Swan

Yesterday seemed like a long day because we spent the day waiting to go to Linda and Ron's house for dinner at 6:00.  The day started out as usual with a great paddle, the lake calm, the sky partly cloudy. We like Sundays because we don't ever have much planned and if we do something, it's a spur of the moment.  There were few spurs yesterday other than my doing some more raking, finishing up the backyard, getting it ready for the next wind storm, one which is supposedly coming tonight. Around 11:00. I drove to Mayville to pick up a prescription for Evie and came home to a big breakfast, a Turkish omelet with feta cheese and tomatoes and toast.  We watched out usual Sunday morning show, CBS Sunday Morning, which featured Lucille Ball and part of the show was filmed here in Jamestown, her hometown and the sight of the Lucille Ball Museum as well as The Comedy Hall Of Fame.  It was well done, mostly because a movie is coming out called 'Being The Ricardo's."


We wasted much of the afternoon either watching football, boring, a movie, or reading and napping.  Around 5:00, we took showers, got dressed, and drove over to Linda and Ron's at 6:00.  We have not seen them in three or four weeks so we were excited to see them.  They greet us with hugs and a large pitcher of whiskey sours, a perfect welcoming.  We sat around their kitchen, mostly replaying our trip, enjoying a butternut squash curry soup as an appetizer.  They had a fun Thanksgiving, as Linda's sister visited for a few days from Washington. Dinner was the best, racks of lamb, eggplant, and a salad.  We have not had a rack of lamb in ages even though it is one of our favorite dinners.  We ended the night in front of a fire, sipping Linda's homemade limoncello and munching on cookies. It was a fine way to end the night and we didn't get home until 10:30.  It ended up being another good day thanks to Linda and Ron.  

Our Buddy, Pi

Shy Clay

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