Saturday, February 29, 2020

Snow White

Snowbound Adirondacks

Dawn Ice Fishing
Sun Rising At 7:51
Had Enough
 It's just about 8:00 and I have been up an hour, watching the ice fishing crazies march out on the snow-covered lake, put up their tent or set down their bucket, drill a hole in the lake with an augur and then fish. For the first time, it really feels like winter, 16º, snow falling on and off during the day, an accumulation of probably a foot and a half over a couple of days.  The sun is a blur, a small round disk, blasting its light through the clouds and light snow. 

Snow Hills On Our Rhododendrons
Yesterday was another day for hunkering down and we did a good job of it.  Yoga was canceled so I had the entire morning to myself, no hurry to get the blog done, just enjoy sitting around doing nothing.  Well, around 10:30 I had enough sitting.  First, I helped my neighbor unfreeze her car and backed it down the snowy road for her. 

Skiing North
Then, I threw my skis and poles in the car and drove down to Mayville, to the Portage Trolley Line Nature Trail.  Evie and I have been on this trail before, in all seasons so I was familiar with it.  It's flat, tree-lined, and I knew if the snow was deep, it would be a good trail for skiing.  It was although I was blazing the trail through a good foot on virgin snow so it was quite a workout, as I raised my heart rate to close to 140, the max for a guy my age.  It was a lovely jaunt, light snow falling, as I made my way along the trail, with only one hitch, my skis occasionally froze, making sliding more difficult.  I was out for forty-five minutes, just right, having worked up quite a sweat despite the temperatures in the teens.

Cross Country Skiing Back
Lunch was another healthy goose liver sandwich, with the last of the leek/potato soup and a handful of Fritos.  Since we started The Americans series on Thursday, we watched an episode during lunch.  We were looking forward to enjoying a cocktail at dusk so it seemed like a long afternoon.  I read, napped, watched some TV, looked for things to do inside.  Evie did the same and since we were having the leftover Santa Fe chicken, there was no prepping for dinner.


A Van Gogh Like Snow Falling

We enjoyed a Manhattan or two along with another one of our favorite cheese, Castello, a combination of blue cheese and brie.  Heavenly.  We watched the sky change from white, to gray, to finally, black, as the snow fell, our spotlight catching its flakes.  Dinner was great and easy, a stew of chicken thighs, sweet potatoes, hominy, lots of garlic and chiles.  We watched an Off The Grid, then another episode of The Americans and a Colbert before going up to bed.  I have to admit we both enjoy this kind of day, snowed in, lots of falling snow, with lots of good food at our fingertips.

Maple Lit By Spotlight

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