Friday, February 7, 2020

Winter Redux

It's utterly white outside, as we received six or seven inches last night, covering up the ice unfortunately so I wonder what my car is like, what the roads are like.  It's 23º out and the fishing huts are out on the lake early, black dots in the winter landscape.  

Out Early
Going Home
Yesterday was one of those days that went by so quickly that you wonder what happened.  I know I began the day early, wondering if the roads were safe enough to drive to breakfast.  They were fine so I had breakfast in Bemus with Charlie at 8:00, the other guys out of town.  I then drove to yoga, again on well taken care of roads, to a crowded Yin Yoga class as Danielle is back from a vacation in Puerto Rico.  It's nice to have her back; we don't like change in our yoga teachers.

When I got home, Evie was watching Trump's victory lap, the infidel leading the true believers.  I was embarrassed for the Republicans who sat there cheering and clapping for this fraud, this unchristian hate monger.  What an irony.  And they know he's a fraud, a liar, yet cheer him on, afraid of losing their political careers.  It was good to get back to my series and enjoy a lunch of homemade soup, thanks to Evie putting it together yesterday morning. I had the soup with the leftover peanut noodles leftover from Wednesday night's dinner at Forte.

The afternoon then flew by.  I finished my Virgil Flowers novel, started another, set it aside and started another which I will probably set aside because it's too predictable.  After my nap, Evie had started a classic Jack Lemmon movie, The China Syndrome. It still held our interest, creating tension, with great performances by Lemmon, Jane Fonda, and Michael Douglas.  We were finished watching it around 5:00 and it was wine time in the living room watching the fishermen end their day, listening to the news.

Dinner was no fuss, some frozen leftover moussaka from last week with a salad.  It was just as good as when Evie made it.  We watched Colbert and started a series on Netflix that we ended up stopping mid-episode called Virgin River.  We are having a hard time finding a series we both like.  We ended the night with Off The Grid before going up to bed.  

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