Sunday, February 2, 2020

Light Snow In The Morning

Saturday Morning Cross Country Skiing 
It's 8:15 and I have been up since 7:00, watching the ice fishermen tromp out on the ice, the snow falling gently, the lake finally white.  We did get a couple of inches overnight and this morning, with more to come later unless it turns to rain as the temperature rises.  It's 9:00 as I finish writing this, Evie's still sleeping, lucky gal, and there's a whiteout, as Long Point and most of the ice fishermen have disappeared in the snow.  Love it.

Skiing On The Lake
Fishing Huts On Northern Horizon
Yesterday was a quite good Saturday, lots of fun, some cooking, cross country skiing and a crazy evening with neighbors and friends.  It was a typical morning, however, until 10:30 when I determined the lake was safe, so I clipped on my cross country skis and went out on the lake for forty-five minutes, down to Wells Bay and back, staying fairly close to shore just in case I ran into a weak spot.  It wasn't the best skiing, mostly because there was little snow so I was skiing on ice, making it more difficult to ski as I kept slipping and sliding.  Still, it was great to be out on the lake for the first time in 2020.

When I finished, it was time to gather the trash and I drove off to the Transfer Station, busy as always on a Saturday morning.  It was noon by the time I got back, time for lunch, leftover soup, and Asian noodles. While I was enjoying my lunch and watching my show, Evie was making an Indian flavored cauliflower soup to take to the Cousin's Christmas at 5:00.  Once I was through with lunch, I helped clean up the kitchen while Evie wrapped the gag gifts for the Christma exchange.  The rest of the afternoon we relaxed, watched some TV, read, and I took a good nap.

Cousins' And Friends
We were ready to party by 5:00 and drove over to our neighbors, four houses down, because we had the soup, gifts, beer, and slippers. This Cousins' Christmas has been part of Jim and Barb's family for years and we have been part of the last three or four years. At first, it used to be held in Cleveland until lately when it has been held in Woodlawn.

The Gals

The Guys And Megan
Exchanging Gifts
Everyone brings appetizers, thus Evie's soup, and we stand around and catch up with our neighbors, most who are here only during the summer.  Once we have had enough food and beer, we begin the fun, the gift exchange, involving the trading of gifts before they are opened.

Our Gifts, A Chicken And Pig
There's definitely a competition to see who gets the most outrageous gift, the funniest, the most ridiculous.  I think the Humping Pig, with straps, won the prize.  We walked home with a small ceramic pig with a holder for the bathroom and a hard to describe chicken.  It's great fun, lots of laughter as we each open one silly gift after another.

Barb, The Host
Daughters In-Law
Mom And Daughter In Law

Evie And Cousin, Ted
After the gifts, we sat around in the living room or stood in the kitchen, laughing and telling stories of Cousins' Christmas Past, and drinking beers until 10:00 when some of us headed home, happy with our gifts, food, and libations, a good night.  We drove the four houses home in light snow and quickly changed into something comfortable and soon ready for bed.

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