Monday, February 24, 2020

Winter Sunshine

It's 7:30 and the sun is in full bloom, its rays reflecting on the lake, filling our living room. The ice is beginning to melt although a few ice fishermen are out on the lake.  And as I woke, I could hear the groans of the lake, as it begins to shift, prior to a big melt. 

Ice Fishing On A Bucket
Sunday continues the great weather we have been having if you like the sun and blue skies.  It was cold early but by the time we had finished our coffee, wrote the blog and cleaned up the kitchen, it was in the 30's and we wanted to get out and enjoy the weather.  So we drove over to the Chautauqua Institution for our walk, thinking the roads would be clear of ice. They were and we had a good walk around the empty grounds, snow in the yards, but the walks fine.  It was great to be out, breathing in the cold air, sucking in some of the sun's rays. 

We were energized by the walk and hungry for our big breakfast, so Evie got busy, fying up the bacon and eggs, toasting the sourdough bread from Wegmans.  We watched another stellar CBS Sunday morning as we ate. This show always leaves us feeling good about the world, perhaps because it avoids politics for the most part.

We then did little the rest of the afternoon.  I am thick into my book Normal People, who don't seem so normal and we treated ourselves to one more episode of Breaking Bad, something we don't usually do in the afternoon.  I also managed to get in a nap, then both of us sat in lounges in our side yard, protected from the wind, enjoying the sun. 

Blue Skies, Well-Traveled Path
Around 4:00, I had enough sitting around and went for a walk in the Woodlawn/Victoria woods, through paths of crunchy snow, some leaf-strewn as the snow had melted.  I ended up walking out on the ice, but it was not fun walking, worrying about falling so I came back into the shoreline.  If there had been some snow, I could have been out there skiing although it does not seem to bother my neighbor who was out, cross country skiing down the middle of the lake, fearlessly.

Chautauqua Lake
Earlier, we pulled Evie's homemade meatballs out of the freezer, added some tomato sauce and we had an easy spaghetti and meatball dinner, with a salad.  It had sounded good to me and it was a tasty choice.  We watched a few of the news programs either singing or bemoaning the success of Bernie in the primaries. We then watched a Colbert, an On The Grid, then finished the night with another Breaking Bad as we are on the final season where things have changed dramatically.  Gus is dead and Walt and Jessie are now cooking on their own, with Mike's help.

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