Saturday, February 4, 2023

Hunker Down


7:37 Early Birds

It's 8:45 as I start this and I have been up since 7:30, enjoying the morning quiet. At least 25 ice fishing tents were out when I got up and as I look out at the moment, a couple of guys are pulling their sleds back to shore, done ice fishing for the day. It's a cozy 7º, warm compared to our friends, Ron and Vickie in Oxford, ME, where it's -17º this morning. It will get up into the 20s later in the day and I hope to give cross-country skiing a go on the lake as long as the wind stays calm. 

Hiking Out at 9:30 This Morning

Quite A Crew

Friday we made the decision to just stay home. Why venture out when the weather was so cold, foggy, windy, and snowy. So that's what we did for the day, stayed home and thought about furniture for our TV room, watched some TV, and accomplished a few housekeeping things. Around 11:30, I had to get some fresh air so I went out and cleaned the snow off the car and cleared our parking area of light, fluffy snow which was a lark. When I came in, I was ready for lunch so I heated up the leftover sweet potato, lentil, and spinach curry over rice and started a new series that I have been wanting to watch for a couple of years but never did, Mr. Robot, with Rami Malek as I computer hacker/genius. The series has won numerous Golden Globe awards, for the series and its actors. 

Late Afternoon

I am enjoying my new book, set in the sleazy world of Hollywood, Everybody Knows. I spent the afternoon reading and napping and watching some TV but Evie put together an apple ricotta cake, a sweet we have been wanting. I decided to go for a short walk around 4:00 but the wind was so bitter that I turned around and came home, out for about ten minutes at the most. 

Blue Skies And Windy at 4:18

Windy And Gray At 5:20

Around 5:00, Evie made a salad, put some red potatoes in the oven, and breaded a couple of pork chops. We enjoyed an hour of wine time before Evie baked the pork chops in the air fryer. The pork chops were close to an inch and a half thick, delicious with apple sauce and the salad and baked potatoes. We watched a film called Worth, recommended by Bill, our cousin from Seattle. It seemed vaguely familiar as we started and realized after 15 minutes that we had already seen it but decided to stick with it. It's based on Kenneth Fineberg's decision as to how to fairly compensate the 7000 victims' families of 9/11. It stars Michael Keaton and Stanley Tucci as they battle cynicism, politics, and bureaucracy to help aid as many families as they can.  We ended the night with Jeopardy before bed.

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