Friday, October 21, 2022

Clear Skies, Grateful Heart




It's 7:30 and I have been sitting here enjoying my coffee, waiting till the sun rises before I venture out on the lake. About a half hour ago, gunshots shocked the quiet and duck hunters must be out on the lake. I feel so fortunate to be enjoying our life at the lake while the world seems to be falling apart, the horrors of war in Ukraine, the tribalism, hypocrisy, and fake news in the political world in the US. We live in a cocoon, basically insulated from all this, for now. The scary thing is it could change, depending on how crazy and angry the tribes become after the elections of 2022 and 2024. I fear for the worse but for now, I am enjoying the moment. Enough tub-thumping because I did get in a great paddle, for an hour, the sun filling the sky. I paddled around a duck hunter's camouflaged boat, parked just beyond the Sportsmen Club. I am surprised that I have only seen a few migrating birds.

Kayak Morning North


Duck Hunter

Yesterday was another full day, starting with breakfast in Bemus Point before finishing the blog and driving off to Lakewood for an always relaxing Yin Yoga class. After class, I had to pick up a prescription at Wegmans, seemingly an every-week event, so I did some quick shopping because it was Thursday and not as crowded as Tuesday. When I returned, Evie had been busy and I pulled the last of the pork, mashed potatoes, and sauerkraut out of the refrigerator and had it for lunch. I finished the first episode of the Masterpiece Theater series, Endeavour, but was then happy to get back to my book, Lucy By The Sea.  I briefly napped, then had the rest of the afternoon to enjoy my book. 

Victoria Path To The Lake

Victoria Creek

Blue, Green, And Brown

By 4:00, I was bored so I went for a walk in the Woodlawn/Victoria woods for a good forty minutes. It was a fine walk, the path strewn with a kaleidoscope of leaves although the trees still had lots of leaves. We then enjoyed wine time but I was excited about dinner because I picked up a haddock filet at Wegmans's. Evie sauteed it then made a lemon sauce then some garlic spinach. We watched our shows, Jeopardy and Colbert, ending with two episodes of Derry Girls, set in Ireland in the 1990s.. I was happy to get back to my book. 

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