Tuesday, May 17, 2022

The Joy Of A Rainy Day

Hummingbird At The Kitchen Window



Well, this morning is not rainy, in fact, although it's cloudy now, by 10:00 it should clear up for the rest of the day, a stark contrast to yesterday's rain. It's gotten chilly, 47º, so I am happy not to have put away my fleece although I did put away my boots. I paddled for forty minutes and was surprised how windy and choppy it was heading home.  I was the only one out on the lake. 

Kayaking North

Yesterday began as usual with a paddle but I am somewhat at a loss because I don't have a camera (it's arriving Wednesday). So I have no purpose to a paddle, just the joy of being on the lake I should tell myself. Why need a goal, a shot of an eagle or osprey for example but that's me.  I was out for forty-five minutes and just beat the arrival of the rain. So we had our coffee, listening to the rain on the roof and Evie loved it as it rained off and on most of the morning and early afternoon. After the blog, we got a few housekeeping things done before Evie suggested I get out of the house and do some shopping. Always happy to oblige, I drove to Home Depot and picked up some potting soil, a couple of cheap watering cans, and a cement block, then stopped at Aldi's although they did not have the lettuce Evie wanted. 

Still Hanging At The Feeder

When I returned home, Evie had been busy setting up the feeder for the hummingbirds which have been frequenting our Baltimore oriole feeder. For lunch, I had a nice juicy quesadilla and another bowl of broccoli and cheddar soup. I watched some of the slaughter of the Phoenix Suns by the Dallas Mavericks but it got boring so I switched to The Sopranos. I am reading a new novel entitled The Cartographers and so far, I like it. I also took a good nap since I was up so early but woke loggy and tired. Evie spent the afternoon working on the Shutterfly book and once she starts, she becomes obsessed and cannot stop working at it. Book #1 is almost done,. 

Fortunately, she had put together dinner early afternoon, a simple Turkish stew called Tas Kebab, and let it slow cook in the oven for a couple of hours. We did not eat until 7:00 because Evie was transfixed with all the photos from the past couple of years, trying to decide which one's to include in the book. We loved our dinner, Tas Kebab with mashed potatoes and the gravy was to die for. We watched a new series on Netflix, The Lincoln Lawyer and stuck with three episodes. It's decent, not great but most interestingly, the producer and writer is a former student of my mine from Reserve, Ted Humphrey.  He also worked on The Good Wife. We ended the night with Jeopardy and a couple of HGTB shows. 

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