Monday, May 2, 2022

All Is Gray




It's a dark gray, threatening morning although the forecast doesn't include rain. I wonder what those drops on my window are? The lake is calm, a vast grayness, with hardly a wrinkle on a 48º morning. I got in a good 75-minute paddle on a gray, calm lake, down to Whitney Bay and back.  It was not a good morning for birding but still great to be one of the only boats on the lake.

Kayak Morning

Northern Sky

Sunday was a busy morning, a Sunday afternoon at the movie kind of day. I paddled for close to an hour and met my kayaking friends out for their first paddle of the year. We knew we wanted to get things done outside, so after the blog and yogurt, with oats and blueberries, we got busy. I helped Evie set up a dahlia planting station in the garage because of the rain. Once she was beginning to plant each dahlia in a plastic yogurt container, I took off for Home Depot. The wheels on my wheelbarrow were shot so I either wanted to get new ones or better yet, get a new wheelbarrow.  After seeing the price of new wheels, opted for a new wheelbarrow. I also picked up a couple of other small things before stopping for a coffee at Ryders Cup on the way home.

It was 12:30 when I returned and Evie was just finishing up with the dahlias, ready for breakfast. We had our usual, toast, eggs, and bacon and watched CBS Sunday morning. I was tired from my morning of doing practically nothing, so I read some before napping.  At 2:00, I watched the Boston/Milwaukee NBA game which I had saved so I could skip through the commercials, the only way to watch anything anymore.  Around 3:30, it stopped raining and I went out and filled the puddles and low spots in Evie's garden with compost. I then closed up the garage, came in and Evie had the beginning  of The Godfather on so I joined her and that took up the next three hours until dinner.

We had the leftover lemon chicken, rice and a salad and decided to watch another film from 2004 called Runaway Jury. We thought we might have seen it but we hadn't.  It's a bit over the top but entertaining enough to stick with it, Gene Hackman is a jury consultant who intimidates and tries to buy jurers. John Cusack is out to destroy him and neither leave us with much faith in the justice system. 

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