6:36 |
7:32 |
8:47 |
9:00 |
It was no surprise actually to wake up to a White Easter here at the lake. After all, our weather is known to be fickle, and today is an example of that. It's snowing right now, at 7:00, and windy, the lake ruffled and gray. There will be no Easter Parade, nor Easter bonnets I fear. Because I was up just before 6:00, I was finished writing the blog, and reading the NYTimes by 7:30 so I decided to brave the weather and kayak. I headed south with the wind at my back but I smartly turned around after ten minutes because it was tough going back north, into the cold wind and rough lake. Still, it felt good to be out there, the wind in my face, paddling along the shoreline, I was only out for twenty-five minutes but it was worth it.
Woodlawn Painted In Easter White |
Kayak Morning |
An Easter Sky? |
Saturday was a wasted day at least for me. It was windy, cold, and wet much of the morning so I never did get out on the lake. The afternoon cleared up and it was tempting to get out on the lake, a deep blue but I was too lazy to get up off the couch. So we spent the day inside for the most part. I was up early as usual and got bored so I decided to make some black bean soup. We did not have any canned black beans so I got out the pressure cooker and made a pound while sauteeing the onions, garlic, and tomatoes. Once they were soft and the beans cooked, I added them to the pan but realized that a pound of beans is much more than two cans so I had to scoop out a cup or two to make the soup more edible. I added sundried tomatoes at the end, some chicken stock, and lots of salt and got out the handheld blender to smooth out the soup. The end product was mediocre at best but I will eat it nonetheless.
Once that was done, it was time to gather the trash and head off to the Transfer Station, busy as usual. While I was gone, Evie was attempting to fix our printer to no avail. It looks like Amazon will be getting another order soon, alas. For lunch, I had a bowl of mediocre black bean soup and Evie made me a chicken salad sandwich to go with the soup. She decided to do some shopping in Lakewood so while I held the fort. While she was gone, I read, watched the NBA playoffs on and off, tried to nap but spent most of the afternoon on the couch watching basketball.
Dusk At 7:45 |
Evie returned home around 4:00 and by then I was tired of basketball so we ended up watching Love Story, a film from 1970. We both read the book when it came out and Evie had watched the film when it first came out. It's a tear-jerker, with Ryan and Ali Mc Graw. Once we wiped away the tears (just kidding), Evie made a salad, roasted some Brussel sprouts, and heated up the leftover chicken, artichokes hearts, and rice for our dinner. We watched Colbert and another episode of Pachinko before returning to a new home improvement show but I can't remember its name. It was a forgettable series.
Fall Moon Rising |
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