Sunday, January 24, 2021

Waking At The Crack Of Dawn

Safe Distancing



It's 8:40 as I start this blog.  I have been listening to our local NPR station for the past hour.  I woke to the sun peaking between a crack in the clouds, filling the lake with light.  It's a great morning for ice fishing as I have counted over 50 tents spread out on the lake, from Warner Bay to the tip of Long Point. 

Yesterday was another cold, winter day, the way we like it and decided to get in another activity outdoors.  So we gathered up the trash and I took it to the Transfer Station, then drove to Lakewood, to Save A Lot, to pick up a few things for our dinners this weekend.  When I returned, it was 11:00 and Evie was ready to go.  We drove into Mayville, hoping to ski/snowshoe on Webb's Trail or the Rails to Trail.  Unfortunately, both were littered with snowmobiles as the trails are now open.  So we punted and drove back across the bridge to Bemus and parked at the end of Lakeside Drive.  We took our usual route through the woods and ran into nary a snowmobile and only one or two dog walkers so we were happy.  It was a good choice.  

Groomed Trail

We did not get home until 1:00 and Evie heated up the leftover mango chicken for lunch and had a bowl of her vegetable soup, which was simmering on the stove while we skied/snowshoed.  I am getting tired of Deadwood but I will stick with it to the very end.  Our afternoon was leisurely as we were both pooped from our excursion to Long Point.  I napped, read, and watched TV as did Evie.  I did take a brief walkout to the lake, tested it for 100 yards to see if it might be good for skiing but it was wet underneath the layer of snow, making it hard to cross country ski. 

Around 6:00, Evie popped some popcorn and got out the dip and pretzels while I made us a Manhattan, and we couldn't wait to sit down and enjoy dusk.  The weather cooperated as it started to snow on and off as we enjoyed our drink and appetizers.  Dinner was the leftover prime rib which had been frozen, with mashed potatoes and gravy, just like a diner lunch. We watched Bill Maher's Real Time, some of the news, and ended the night with Better Things, raunchier than usual. It was another good day with 'just the two of us.' 

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