Saturday, January 16, 2021

A Brief Morning Of Sun




It's 8:30, the sun, briefly out, has just risen above the clouds. leaving a gray and frozen lake.  It's 28º and yesterday's heavy winds have dissipated leaving a calm morning here at the lake.  

Looking North From Long Point

Friday was a confusing, frustrating day for us.  It started with both our friend, Linda, and me communicating about our attempts to find a Covid vaccination appointment.  By 9:00, both of us had enough and were frustrated with the absence of information from our County.  That was it for me.  I finished the blog, had breakfast, and by 10:30, we were ready to go for a walk although neither of us had much desire.  We drove over to Long Point, thinking we would walk out to the point but by the time we were halfway out, we turned around because of the heavy winds battering the trees and our faces.  On any other day, we might have braved the winds but since neither of us was into it, we drove off, disappointed.  

Long Point's Shoreline

Evie made me BLT's for lunch, yum, and I watched another episode of Deadwood.  I then started a new book, The Dry by Australian mystery writer Jane Harper.  I like it so far.  While I read and fell asleep despite the winds buffeting our trees and house, Evie made a couple of dozen turkey meatballs with spinach, cheese, and bread crumbs.  That settled what we were having for dinner: spaghetti and meatballs. 

Around 3:30, we received a text from Linda alerting us to the fact that Rite Aid was scheduling Covid vaccinations.  We both quickly got online.  Unfortunately, as Evie was finishing up her scheduling, the site knocked her off and she had to wait another hour before getting back to the site but all the appointments were taken.  How frustrating.  I was able, however, to schedule an appointment for Sunday at 11:15 at our local Rite Aid. We are frustrated with the confusing lack of scheduling information from our local Health Department.  And things won't get much better according to Cuomo as 7 million New Yorkers are now eligible for the vaccine but the state is allocated only 300,00 vaccinations a week. I assume this is typical for most States, a lack of the promised vaccines.  Late afternoon, I went outside, picked up a couple of branches and lots of deadfall from our maples, put them in the Outback, and took them up the hill to the woodpile 

We had the spaghetti, salad, and breadsticks for dinner and watched our usual Friday night fare, Shep Smith and Colbert before trying a series on Hulu our daughter recommended called Better Things (2016).  It's about a single mother attempting to navigate her life as an actress and mother with three difficult daughters.  She is funny, uncomfortably honest, emotional but always loving. 

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