Saturday, January 9, 2021

A Morning Of Many Colors





What a contrast this morning has been to the past week of gray, a sky of blue, orange, and a rising sun.  It's chilly, 23º, the lake is continuing to freeze up, with lots of ice floes close to shore, still open out 50 yards.  I have been up since 6:30, enjoying my coffee, the news, the callers on CSPAN.  It nice to be able to get back into my routine after having to skip all of it because of a test early yesterday morning.  

As I mentioned, I did not get home from the testing and a stop at Wegman's until 10:00.  I then made some coffee and a bagel finished off the blog and published it.  It was nice and cozy in the house and I was glad to be home and not have anything I needed to do the rest of the day.  Earlier, Evie had pulled out some turkey soup that she had frozen, so lunch was easy, just warm it up and watch my show.  

Neither of us felt like walking after our morning, so we just hung out either in the living room reading or on our devices, or in the TV room keeping up with the always 'breaking news.'  The videos of the assault on the Capitol were disturbing, even scary, and those involved deserved to be punished. It gives me some confidence in both Republicans in Congress and the American populace to see how most have condemned the domestic terrorists and turned against Trump.  Most except for Fox News and a few die-hards conspiracy theorists who blame it on Antifa. 

Chicken Pot Pie

I napped, as usual, read, got the mail, and by the time I returned home, it was wine time and time to make dinner,. We both were excited about having a chicken pot pie so while read, Evie put together the pie, with the chicken and veggies, topping it with buttermilk biscuits.  Once that was done and in the oven, she joined me in the living room.  Around 6:30, the pot pie was done, the salad was made, and the pot pie was just as good as we expected.  We both commented on the fact that the biscuits were really all we needed, the chicken and veggies a side dish.  We watched Jeopardy, Colbert, some Shep, and two more episodes of The Looming Tower which, except for the stupid sexual trysts, is getting good.  The animosity and jealousy between the CIA and FBI is one of the underlying causes for 9/11, the main theme of this series.  

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