Sunday, January 10, 2021

A Freezing Lake And Gray Skies

Hooded Merganser Walking On Thin Ice

Mallards Copping Z's

Yesterday's sunshine appears to be an anomaly as we are back to Chautauqua Gray this morning, probably for the next five days. It's 24º out, the snow has melted, leaving behind dirt and mud on the roads, green on our front yard.  Strangely, not a shred of wind nor a sign of waterfowl marks this morning.


Yesterday was our typical Saturday morning, with a long coffee hour, as we planned out our day.  The only thing we had to do was gather the trash, clean out the refrigerator and go to the Transfer Station.  By 11:00, we were on our way, dropping off the trash then driving over to Long Point to walk out to the point and back.  We thought because the sun was out and it was a Saturday, we would run into lots of walkers but passed only a few dog walkers.  It was invigorating to both of us so we not only walked to the point and back but also into the woods, exploring some parts we had not been on. We were out for 50 minutes and walked 2 miles according to my Healthy app on my iPhone.  

We did not get home until 12:30, time for my lunch, Evie's homemade vegetable soup, and a veggie wrap on Lavash.  I watched some of my show and taped the Bills playoff game to watch san commercials after my nap.  I slept briefly, read some, then watched the Bills game.  As usual, they came close to losing it at the end but held on for the first playoff victory in twenty-odd years. I am becoming a Bills fan, finally, although the Browns remain my team. 

Saturday Afternoon Sun

Enjoying Long Point, Late Afternoon

We had no fuss about our dinner because we had at least half of the chicken pot pie leftover from Friday night.  Evie added Brussel sprouts to our meal and we both commented on how the pot pie was just as good as the night before, especially the biscuits. We watched our usual lineup, Colbert, Jeopardy, and a couple of episodes of The Looming Tower, wondering how accurate the series portrayed the rift between the CIA and FBI.  

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