Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Calm, Quiet, And Partly Cloudy




I was up just before 7:00, in time to witness the sky turn red, then sunny and now at 8:00 overcast, with a gray sky, gray lake.  It's 31ยบ and should get up into the 40's later in the day.

We began the week as we ended it, with hacking coughs, annoying but not debilitating.  Evie was able to get some things done in the morning but she hit a wall by noon and did little the rest of the day.  I was not much better, sitting around most of the day, reading and wishing I had some mojo and had gone to yoga.

Our morning was then doing laundry for Evie and other misc. tasks, my helping when needed.  It was a splendid morning on the lake, lots of sunshine but chilly and I almost got out my paddle and kayaked but the lake was still frozen off towards the reeds. Besides laundry,  Evie also put together a dish she came across on Google, white beans, with fennel, a stew more or less, a side for our chicken dinner.

Noon came quickly, so we both had some cauliflower soup and Evie made me a couple of quesadillas with tomatoes, cheese and avocados.  I decided to go back and start watching the second season of Ozark which I had begun but never finished a couple of months ago.  Our afternoon was leisurely, watching some TV, reading, and napping.

Bald Eagles

A Juvenile Bald Eagle
We were excited midafternoon at our first sighting of a bald eagle pair, perched on the ice, devouring a fish.  As you can see below, we watched they fly away then, later, return to the ice in front of our house but were not quick enough to get their photo.

Eagles In Flight

In Flight
Earlier in the day, we had thought we might go for a walk but didn't.  By 4:30, however,  I felt guilty and went to get the mail but ended up walking for 25 minutes in the woods, a start at least at getting back to normal.

A Lawn Of Leaves

For dinner, Evie roasted a couple of chicken breasts and we had her bean and fennel stew as a side.  We enjoyed our dinner, just right, and we went back to our series, CATASTROPHE, so we must obviously like it, mostly the humor.  We ended the night with Bill Maher's Real Time and Home Town, a fixer-upper series we like.

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