Wednesday, April 3, 2019

And The Sun Also Rises

Kayak Morning



It's 7:30 and I have been up for forty-five minutes and Evie joined me 15 minutes ago, in time to see the sun pop up above the horizon and now disappear behind a cloud.  It's a fine morning here on the lake and I am already wondering if I can get kayaking in before yoga.

Paddling Towards The Ice
Yesterday began as usual with coffee, the blog, and breakfast.  As I finished the blog, however, the lake though partially frozen, looked inviting so I got my paddle out of the garage, put on my high boots and went for a 25-minute paddle, down to the reeds where the ice was still frozen, then back and down Woodlawn.  Mallards, buffleheads, and mergansers were out floating around but would fly off whenever I got near.  I assume I was the only one out on our lake, the first crazy kayaker of the year.

Partially Open Lake

Earlier in the morning, Evie had decided to see the doctor in Mayville so I dropped her off at 10:45, parked the car and went for a hike on the Portage Trail, the trailhead across the street from the health center.  The trail was snow covered in some areas, soggy and muddy in others so I was only out for a half hour.  The doctor felt Evie had a sinus infection, so she is on antibiotics and steroids.  On the way home, Evie picked up the prescription while I picked up a couple of things at Tops.  We also stopped at the Lighthouse Grocery for pork chops, our dinner, and a sub sandwich for lunch.

Portage Trail
After a morning which for us, was busy, we relaxed the rest of the afternoon.  I had the sub and soup for lunch and watched part of an episode of Ozark.  I then read and took a nap while Evie hung out in the TV room, popping her steroid pills and antibiotics.  And that's the way it went the rest of the afternoon.  I was tempted to go for a walk but it felt too good sitting in the house, reading and drinking my camomile tea.

Around 5:30, Evie put five baked potatoes in the oven, browned the pork chops and put them in the oven and by 6:30, we had dinner, her classic breaded pork chops with applesauce, baked potatoes, and salad.  We watched a Colbert, then four episodes of CATASTROPHE, saving the last two episodes for tonight.  I had enough TV and wanted to get back to my book, so we went up to bed around 10:30.

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