Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Sunny, Hot, And Humid


I was awake at 5:00, up at 5:30 and out on our porch, enjoying the cool air until the sun rose, blinding me and sending me back to the couch in the house.  No complaints as it's another clear morning, a couple of fishing boats out already at 6:15, and the birds, mostly purple martins, continue their morning serenade.  It's 8:00 and I have been out for a quick paddle, rough going because of the wind, hot and humid on the way back as the wind calmed down.  No heron or wood duck sightings.

Yesterday was a great kayak morning, and I had decided even before going off, that I would skip yoga and enjoy the day if working outside encompasses enjoying the day.  I felt like I was skipping school as if yoga is a must each day.  Anyways, I did get lots done much of the morning, wanting to have an afternoon free to enjoy.  And though it does not sound like I did much, it did take me a good part of the morning, with many breaks because of the heat.  First, I cleared sod in two or three places, getting the yard ready for the planting of dahlias.  I then took the leftover sod and filled in bare or low spots in the lawn.  I then cleared another space for our stone spider, mulched it, so I do not have to move the spider to mow.  Finally, I mowed the lawn, with a couple of stops, to check on Evie who was finalizing the Shutterfly album.  And as always, when she went to send it in, there were problems so she ended up speaking to a rep for a good 15 minutes.  It was worth it, however, because we are getting a $170.00 book for $25.00.  Evie is a wonder on the phone. 

A Gaggle Of Geese
Lunch was easy, a leftover pork chop and rice and I watched the last half of the Golden State/Houston game which was disheartening if you are a Cavs fan.  The three-point shooting of the big three, Curry, Thompson, Durant, is going to be hard for the Cavs to overcome.  Most of the afternoon then was spent either out on the dock under an umbrella, mostly Evie, or on the porch or inside the house by me, seeking a cool spot.  It seemed as though we were into the hottest part of the summer, with the temperature in the high 80's, lots of humidity, and little if any wind.  Neither one of us like this kind of weather so we are looking forward to tomorrow when we should get a break, some rain and more spring-like temperatures. 

Moonlight at 9:16
We had hoped to go for a boat ride but it seemed too warm even for that so we sat inside for our wine, in our closed up house.  When the temperature outside reaches that of inside, we close all the windows, a cheap method of air conditioning.  So when it was 86º outside, it was 77º inside, bearable.  For dinner, Evie had pulled some leftover eye of round and gravy from the freezer, roasted some cauliflower and potatoes, and made a salad.  The meat was really quite good, especially with horseradish, so we had a tasty dinner.  We started a new series called STRIKING OUT on Acorn TV and so far, we like it.  At least we don't have to listen to politics although we did watch a Vice News.

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