Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Overcast But Little Drizzle

Nick And Aundraya

Tyler And Halle

Mitch And Milena


It's a surprisingly quiet morning here at the lake at 7:00.  I have been up since 6:20 and am still the only one up. It's partly cloudy, 70º, and may rain the next half hour.  I doubt it. Our neighbors are out skiing already, something they try to do each morning if it's calm. Today's a sad day because two of our family, Rami, and Milena, have to back to Dallas for work. Yuk. 

Kayaking In Drizzle

Prancing Heron

This Morning's Juvenile Bald Eagle

Yesterday rain was predicted and if it did fall, it hardly wet the ground so we were able to enjoy being outside most of the day. I did get in a kayak as usual and returned to a house full of people ready for a breakfast of peameal bacon and eggs as the major course.  Some of us healthy one's stuck to our yogurt and granola or oats. By 10:00, everyone was satiated and ready to do something,  One group went off to the gym, then Wegmans', another went over to Bemus for a walk and shopping at Skillman's.  A few of us stayed home, Nick, Mitch, and Aundraya because they had to work, the rest did a quick clean-up of the house, the bedrooms before the usual chaos reigned. After returning and before lunch, most of the family went swimming, mainly to cool off after their workouts or walks.  

Battle Of The Sexes


Marisa, Tom, And Mary

Lunch was mostly leftovers, subs, and heated chicken wings, or something more healthy like an egg white omelet. The afternoon seemed to go quickly with many docking it and swimming or relaxing on the porch, or like me, taking a nap.  Around 4:30, Evie got out the appetizers, shrimp, crackers, and cheese and we all sat in the yard, enjoying the brief sun and playing, as usual, competitive bean bag games. 


Father Loses To Son

Barbecued Chicken Dinner With Noodles And Corn On The Cob

After Dinner Massage Train

Seven Gals

Earlier, Evie had precooked 28 chicken thighs, so when we were ready to prep dinner, Tom and I roasted 18 ears of corn on the grill in tin foil, then grilled the chicken thighs, sopping them with barbecue sauce until browned with grill marks.  We ate around  7:00, outside despite a brief, light drizzle, and dinner was as good as ever, the chicken devoured, not a piece left for lunch, salad, corn, and noodles, cooked in the chicken broth, the best.


Six  Cuties

After cleaning up the kitchen, the guys decided to go for a swim and the rest of us went out on the dock to watch and enjoy the early evening sky.  It was a perfect evening for a swim and for photos.  The rest of the evening was taken up by a game that both Evie and I were unfamiliar with, called Settlers Of Catan.  It seemed too complicated for some, so we read, were on our devices or watched TV.  The game went on until 10:30 for ten and Milena won to the guys' dismay.  Evie and I went to bed at 10:15 and have no idea when the rest did. 

Summer, 1999

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