Thursday, July 29, 2021

Morning Gray


These Two Are Off To College In A Couple Of Weeks (2006)



It's 6:30 and I have been up for an hour, listening to the pundits talk about tonight's NBA draft.  It's a cloudy morning, with rain expected late morning and a cool 61º.  I got in a half hour paddle and breakfast before the rains,  good planning. 

Kayak Morning

Clouding Up

Yesterday was another easy day as we were happy getting a few things done but not going crazy about it.  I kayaked for over an hour, down to Whitney Bay, getting in a good workout.  After breakfast and the blog, I drove to my car guy and got rid of my 2000 Accord because it was becoming too expensive to keep it.  So we will be a one-car family for now and it should not be a problem.  I now have to turn in my plates to the DMV or will be fined eight bucks a day.  Thank you New York.  

For lunch, I had a salad with the leftover over sea trout, and watched more of the Olympics although there was not much I wanted to watch.  At 1:45, I drove to the Subaru dealer to get my car fixed.  I am not sure what was wrong but it needed a part for the emergency brake.  I  took a short walk along the Chadakoin River but waited for a couple of hours, basically because it sat for forty-five minutes before they started to work on it.  That's why I usually take my Subaru to Finn's in Niobe.  Afterwards, I picked up peaches and corn at Peterson's, both fresh off the field.

Evie spent much of the day reading and relaxing in the shade, either on the dock or in the yard, having had enough of the sun the previous day while cutting the lawn. We relaxed with wine and pretzels on our porch for a good hour, enjoying the beauty of a late afternoon on the lake. It was pleasantly cool, a perfect afternoon.

We had another easy dinner, chili that had been frozen, served over rice with corn on the cob and a salad. We watched a new series on Apple Plus called Physical starring Rose Byrne.  I am not crazy about it but we will give it one more try.  

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