Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Drip, Drip, Drip

It's getting ugly out as it warms up.  The lake's a dirty white, with gray skies, a white lake slowly turning gray.  Fishermen are still out there despite the warming temperatures.  It's 30º out and will continue to warm up during the week.

Monday was another boring day for me, typical for Evie.  I did feel more energetic despite occasional coughing jags.  Around 10:00, I went out and cleaned another 5 inches of snow off the car, got it ready to drive, then shoveled half the parking area, not wanting to overdo it.  When I got in, Evie was already busy in the kitchen, thinking of me, making more buttermilk bisquits, yum, to go along with the mushroom and barley soup which she had made for lunch.  I started watching DELIVERANCE, from 1973 but soon got tired of it (I may go back to it today), and had my lunch and watched the third episode of BERLIN DIARIES ON EPIX.

 Snow Draped Picket Fence
The rest of the afternoon fit my pattern, of reading, napping, waking up refreshed.  I finally finished my Jack Reacher novel and got back to the one I started last week before Reacher arrived, A MAN CALLED OVE.  Meanwhile, Evie, influenced by one of my former students, Ninette, who talks about downsizing on Facebook, decided to tackle our bloated pantry, filled with things we don't' need but are loathe to throw away.  A good example would be a couple bottles of bubbles that still "work" which are staying on the shelf as you never know when you might have some young kids stop over.  By 5:00, she had a couple of garbage bags of trash although the pantry did not look much different, alas.

We were able to enjoy a glass of wine before dinner, listening to the craziness of the day's news.  Dinner was merely warming up the leftover pork tenderloin medallions and brown rice and making a salad and Brussel sprouts which always takes longer than one thinks.  We saved the football game for later, mostly interested in the reception Trump would receive (cheers and jeers) and then watched three more episodes of A PLACE TO CALL HOME.  The troubles that pop up each episode for this family is almost too much to take.  We have only a couple more episodes before we are done with Season Four although Season Five has just been on Acorn TV.  We then watched some of the football game, alternating it with CNN and FOX, before I had enough and went up to read before halftime.  Evie stayed up almost to the end but missed the touchdown pass by a Hawaii native, a true freshman from St Louis High School, the bitter rival of Punahou School, where I taught in the late 1960's. 

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